File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ |
/* jshint esnext:true */ |
const WEATHER_URL_HOST = ''; |
const WEATHER_URL_BASE = 'http://' + WEATHER_URL_HOST + '/forecast/'; |
function getWeatherIcon(icon) { |
// clear-day weather-clear-day
// clear-night weather-clear-night
// rain weather-showers
// snow weather-snow
// sleet weather-snow
// wind weather-storm
// fog weather-fog
// cloudy weather-overcast
// partly-cloudy-day weather-few-clouds
// partly-cloudy-night weather-few-clouds-night
let iconname = ['weather-severe-alert']; |
switch (icon) { |
case 'wind': |
iconname = ['weather-storm']; |
break; |
case 'rain': |
iconname = ['weather-showers-scattered', 'weather-showers']; |
break; |
case 'sleet': |
case 'snow': |
iconname = ['weather-snow']; |
break; |
case 'fog': |
iconname = ['weather-fog']; |
break; |
case 'clear-day': //sky is clear
iconname = ['weather-clear']; |
break; |
case 'clear-night': //sky is clear
iconname = ['weather-clear-night']; |
break; |
case 'partly-cloudy-day': |
iconname = ['weather-few-clouds']; |
break; |
case 'partly-cloudy-night': |
iconname = ['weather-few-clouds-night']; |
break; |
case 'cloudy': |
iconname = ['weather-overcast']; |
break; |
} |
for (let i = 0; i < iconname.length; i++) { |
if (this.hasIcon(iconname[i])) |
return iconname[i] + this.getIconType(); |
} |
return 'weather-severe-alert' + this.getIconType(); |
} |
function parseWeatherCurrent() { |
if (this.currentWeatherCache === undefined) { |
this.refreshWeatherCurrent(); |
return; |
} |
this.checkPositionInPanel(); |
let json = this.currentWeatherCache; |
this.owmCityId = 0; |
// Refresh current weather
let location = this.extractLocation(this._city); |
let comment = json.summary; |
let temperature = this.formatTemperature(json.temperature); |
let now = new Date(); |
let iconname = this.getWeatherIcon(json.icon); |
if (this.lastBuildId === undefined) |
this.lastBuildId = 0; |
if (this.lastBuildDate === undefined) |
this.lastBuildDate = 0; |
if (this.lastBuildId != json.time || !this.lastBuildDate) { |
this.lastBuildId = json.time; |
this.lastBuildDate = new Date(this.lastBuildId * 1000); |
} |
let lastBuild = '-'; |
if (this._clockFormat == "24h") |
lastBuild = this.lastBuildDate.toLocaleFormat("%R"); |
else |
lastBuild = this.lastBuildDate.toLocaleFormat("%I:%M %p"); |
let beginOfDay = new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)); |
let d = Math.floor((this.lastBuildDate.getTime() - beginOfDay.getTime()) / 86400000); |
if (d < 0) { |
lastBuild = _("Yesterday"); |
if (d < -1) |
lastBuild = _("%d days ago").format(-1 * d); |
} |
this._currentWeatherIcon.icon_name = this._weatherIcon.icon_name = iconname; |
let weatherInfoC = ""; |
let weatherInfoT = ""; |
if (this._comment_in_panel) |
weatherInfoC = comment; |
if (this._text_in_panel) |
weatherInfoT = temperature; |
this._weatherInfo.text = weatherInfoC + ((weatherInfoC && weatherInfoT) ? ", " : "") + weatherInfoT; |
this._currentWeatherSummary.text = comment + ", " + temperature; |
this._currentWeatherLocation.text = location; |
this._currentWeatherCloudiness.text = parseInt(json.cloudCover * 100) + ' %'; |
this._currentWeatherHumidity.text = parseInt(json.humidity * 100) + ' %'; |
this._currentWeatherPressure.text = this.formatPressure(json.pressure); |
this._currentWeatherBuild.text = lastBuild; |
this._currentWeatherWind.text = this.formatWind(json.windSpeed, this.getWindDirection(json.windBearing)); |
this.parseWeatherForecast(); |
this.recalcLayout(); |
} |
function refreshWeatherCurrent() { |
this.oldLocation = this.extractCoord(this._city); |
let params = { |
exclude: 'minutely,hourly,alerts,flags', |
lang: this.fc_locale, |
units: 'si' |
}; |
let url = WEATHER_URL_BASE + this._appid_fc + '/' + this.oldLocation; |
this.load_json_async(url, params, function(json) { |
if (json && json.currently) { |
if (this.currentWeatherCache != json.currently) |
this.currentWeatherCache = json.currently; |
if (json.daily && { |
if (this.forecastWeatherCache != |
this.forecastWeatherCache =; |
} |
this.rebuildSelectCityItem(); |
this.parseWeatherCurrent(); |
} else { |
this.reloadWeatherCurrent(600); |
} |
}); |
this.reloadWeatherCurrent(this._refresh_interval_current); |
} |
function parseWeatherForecast() { |
if (this.forecastWeatherCache === undefined) { |
this.refreshWeatherCurrent(); |
return; |
} |
let forecast = this.forecastWeatherCache; |
let beginOfDay = new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)); |
let cnt = Math.min(this._days_forecast, forecast.length); |
if (cnt != this._days_forecast) |
this.rebuildFutureWeatherUi(cnt); |
// Refresh forecast
for (let i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { |
let forecastUi = this._forecast[i]; |
let forecastData = forecast[i]; |
if (forecastData === undefined) |
continue; |
let t_low = this.formatTemperature(forecastData.temperatureMin); |
let t_high = this.formatTemperature(forecastData.temperatureMax); |
let comment = forecastData.summary; |
let forecastDate = new Date(forecastData.time * 1000); |
let dayLeft = Math.floor((forecastDate.getTime() - beginOfDay.getTime()) / 86400000); |
let date_string = _("Today"); |
let sunrise = new Date(forecastData.sunriseTime * 1000); |
let sunset = new Date(forecastData.sunsetTime * 1000); |
if (dayLeft === 0) { |
if (this._clockFormat == "24h") { |
sunrise = sunrise.toLocaleFormat("%R"); |
sunset = sunset.toLocaleFormat("%R"); |
} else { |
sunrise = sunrise.toLocaleFormat("%I:%M %p"); |
sunset = sunset.toLocaleFormat("%I:%M %p"); |
} |
this._currentWeatherSunrise.text = sunrise; |
this._currentWeatherSunset.text = sunset; |
} else if (dayLeft == 1) |
date_string = _("Tomorrow"); |
else if (dayLeft > 1) |
date_string = _("In %d days").format(dayLeft); |
else if (dayLeft == -1) |
date_string = _("Yesterday"); |
else if (dayLeft < -1) |
date_string = _("%d days ago").format(-1 * dayLeft); |
forecastUi.Day.text = date_string + ' (' + this.getLocaleDay(forecastDate.getDay()) + ')\n' + forecastDate.toLocaleDateString(); |
forecastUi.Temperature.text = '\u2193 ' + t_low + ' \u2191 ' + t_high; |
forecastUi.Summary.text = comment; |
forecastUi.Icon.icon_name = this.getWeatherIcon(forecastData.icon); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,439 @@ |
/* jshint esnext:true */ |
const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils; |
const Me = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension(); |
const OpenweathermapOrg = Me.imports.openweathermap_org; |
const WEATHER_URL_HOST = ''; |
const WEATHER_URL_BASE = 'http://' + WEATHER_URL_HOST + '/data/2.5/'; |
const WEATHER_URL_FORECAST = WEATHER_URL_BASE + 'forecast/daily'; |
function getWeatherIcon(code, night) { |
let iconname = ['weather-severe-alert']; |
// see
// fallback icons are: weather-clear-night weather-clear weather-few-clouds-night weather-few-clouds weather-fog weather-overcast weather-severe-alert weather-showers weather-showers-scattered weather-snow weather-storm
/* |
weather-clouds-night.png |
weather-freezing-rain.png |
weather-hail.png |
weather-many-clouds.png |
weather-showers-day.png |
weather-showers-night.png |
weather-showers-scattered-day.png |
weather-showers-scattered-night.png |
weather-snow-rain.png |
weather-snow-scattered-day.png |
weather-snow-scattered-night.png |
weather-snow-scattered.png |
weather-storm-day.png |
weather-storm-night.png |
weather-severe-alert-symbolic.svg |
weather-clear-night.png = weather-clear-night-symbolic.svg |
weather-clear.png = weather-clear-symbolic.svg |
weather-clouds.png = weather-overcast-symbolic.svg |
weather-few-clouds-night.png = weather-few-clouds-night-symbolic.svg |
weather-few-clouds.png = weather-few-clouds-symbolic.svg |
weather-mist.png = weather-fog-symbolic.svg |
weather-showers-scattered.png = weather-showers-scattered-symbolic.svg |
weather-showers.png = weather-showers-symbolic.svg |
weather-snow.png = weather-snow-symbolic.svg |
weather-storm.png = weather-storm-symbolic.svg |
*/ |
switch (parseInt(code, 10)) { |
case 200: //thunderstorm with light rain
case 201: //thunderstorm with rain
case 202: //thunderstorm with heavy rain
case 210: //light thunderstorm
case 211: //thunderstorm
case 212: //heavy thunderstorm
case 221: //ragged thunderstorm
case 230: //thunderstorm with light drizzle
case 231: //thunderstorm with drizzle
case 232: //thunderstorm with heavy drizzle
iconname = ['weather-storm']; |
break; |
case 300: //light intensity drizzle
case 301: //drizzle
case 302: //heavy intensity drizzle
case 310: //light intensity drizzle rain
case 311: //drizzle rain
case 312: //heavy intensity drizzle rain
case 313: //shower rain and drizzle
case 314: //heavy shower rain and drizzle
case 321: //shower drizzle
iconname = ['weather-showers']; |
break; |
case 500: //light rain
case 501: //moderate rain
case 502: //heavy intensity rain
case 503: //very heavy rain
case 504: //extreme rain
iconname = ['weather-showers-scattered', 'weather-showers']; |
break; |
case 511: //freezing rain
iconname = ['weather-freezing-rain', 'weather-showers']; |
break; |
case 520: //light intensity shower rain
case 521: //shower rain
case 522: //heavy intensity shower rain
case 531: //ragged shower rain
iconname = ['weather-showers']; |
break; |
case 600: //light snow
case 601: //snow
case 602: //heavy snow
case 611: //sleet
case 612: //shower sleet
case 615: //light rain and snow
case 616: //rain and snow
case 620: //light shower snow
case 621: //shower snow
case 622: //heavy shower snow
iconname = ['weather-snow']; |
break; |
case 701: //mist
case 711: //smoke
case 721: //haze
case 741: //Fog
iconname = ['weather-fog']; |
break; |
case 731: //Sand/Dust Whirls
case 751: //sand
case 761: //dust
case 762: //VOLCANIC ASH
case 771: //SQUALLS
case 781: //TORNADO
iconname = ['weather-severe-alert']; |
break; |
case 800: //sky is clear
iconname = ['weather-clear']; |
break; |
case 801: //few clouds
case 802: //scattered clouds
iconname = ['weather-few-clouds']; |
break; |
case 803: //broken clouds
iconname = ['weather-many-clouds', 'weather-overcast']; |
break; |
case 804: //overcast clouds
iconname = ['weather-overcast']; |
break; |
} |
for (let i = 0; i < iconname.length; i++) { |
if (night && this.hasIcon(iconname[i] + '-night')) |
return iconname[i] + '-night' + this.getIconType(); |
if (this.hasIcon(iconname[i])) |
return iconname[i] + this.getIconType(); |
} |
return 'weather-severe-alert' + this.getIconType(); |
} |
function getWeatherCondition(code) { |
switch (parseInt(code, 10)) { |
case 200: //thunderstorm with light rain
return _('thunderstorm with light rain'); |
case 201: //thunderstorm with rain
return _('thunderstorm with rain'); |
case 202: //thunderstorm with heavy rain
return _('thunderstorm with heavy rain'); |
case 210: //light thunderstorm
return _('light thunderstorm'); |
case 211: //thunderstorm
return _('thunderstorm'); |
case 212: //heavy thunderstorm
return _('heavy thunderstorm'); |
case 221: //ragged thunderstorm
return _('ragged thunderstorm'); |
case 230: //thunderstorm with light drizzle
return _('thunderstorm with light drizzle'); |
case 231: //thunderstorm with drizzle
return _('thunderstorm with drizzle'); |
case 232: //thunderstorm with heavy drizzle
return _('thunderstorm with heavy drizzle'); |
case 300: //light intensity drizzle
return _('light intensity drizzle'); |
case 301: //drizzle
return _('drizzle'); |
case 302: //heavy intensity drizzle
return _('heavy intensity drizzle'); |
case 310: //light intensity drizzle rain
return _('light intensity drizzle rain'); |
case 311: //drizzle rain
return _('drizzle rain'); |
case 312: //heavy intensity drizzle rain
return _('heavy intensity drizzle rain'); |
case 313: //shower rain and drizzle
return _('shower rain and drizzle'); |
case 314: //heavy shower rain and drizzle
return _('heavy shower rain and drizzle'); |
case 321: //shower drizzle
return _('shower drizzle'); |
case 500: //light rain
return _('light rain'); |
case 501: //moderate rain
return _('moderate rain'); |
case 502: //heavy intensity rain
return _('heavy intensity rain'); |
case 503: //very heavy rain
return _('very heavy rain'); |
case 504: //extreme rain
return _('extreme rain'); |
case 511: //freezing rain
return _('freezing rain'); |
case 520: //light intensity shower rain
return _('light intensity shower rain'); |
case 521: //shower rain
return _('shower rain'); |
case 522: //heavy intensity shower rain
return _('heavy intensity shower rain'); |
case 531: //ragged shower rain
return _('ragged shower rain'); |
case 600: //light snow
return _('light snow'); |
case 601: //snow
return _('snow'); |
case 602: //heavy snow
return _('heavy snow'); |
case 611: //sleet
return _('sleet'); |
case 612: //shower sleet
return _('shower sleet'); |
case 615: //light rain and snow
return _('light rain and snow'); |
case 616: //rain and snow
return _('rain and snow'); |
case 620: //light shower snow
return _('light shower snow'); |
case 621: //shower snow
return _('shower snow'); |
case 622: //heavy shower snow
return _('heavy shower snow'); |
case 701: //mist
return _('mist'); |
case 711: //smoke
return _('smoke'); |
case 721: //haze
return _('haze'); |
case 731: //Sand/Dust Whirls
return _('Sand/Dust Whirls'); |
case 741: //Fog
return _('Fog'); |
case 751: //sand
return _('sand'); |
case 761: //dust
return _('dust'); |
case 762: //VOLCANIC ASH
return _('VOLCANIC ASH'); |
case 771: //SQUALLS
return _('SQUALLS'); |
case 781: //TORNADO
return _('TORNADO'); |
case 800: //sky is clear
return _('sky is clear'); |
case 801: //few clouds
return _('few clouds'); |
case 802: //scattered clouds
return _('scattered clouds'); |
case 803: //broken clouds
return _('broken clouds'); |
case 804: //overcast clouds
return _('overcast clouds'); |
default: |
return _('Not available'); |
} |
} |
function parseWeatherCurrent() { |
if (this.currentWeatherCache === undefined) { |
this.refreshWeatherCurrent(); |
return; |
} |
this.checkPositionInPanel(); |
let json = this.currentWeatherCache; |
this.owmCityId =; |
// Refresh current weather
let location = this.extractLocation(this._city); |
let comment =[0].description; |
if (this._translate_condition) |
comment = OpenweathermapOrg.getWeatherCondition([0].id); |
let temperature = this.formatTemperature(json.main.temp); |
let sunrise = new Date(json.sys.sunrise * 1000); |
let sunset = new Date(json.sys.sunset * 1000); |
let now = new Date(); |
let iconname = this.getWeatherIcon([0].id, now < sunrise || now > sunset); |
if (this.lastBuildId === undefined) |
this.lastBuildId = 0; |
if (this.lastBuildDate === undefined) |
this.lastBuildDate = 0; |
if (this.lastBuildId != json.dt || !this.lastBuildDate) { |
this.lastBuildId = json.dt; |
this.lastBuildDate = new Date(this.lastBuildId * 1000); |
} |
let lastBuild = '-'; |
if (this._clockFormat == "24h") { |
sunrise = sunrise.toLocaleFormat("%R"); |
sunset = sunset.toLocaleFormat("%R"); |
lastBuild = this.lastBuildDate.toLocaleFormat("%R"); |
} else { |
sunrise = sunrise.toLocaleFormat("%I:%M %p"); |
sunset = sunset.toLocaleFormat("%I:%M %p"); |
lastBuild = this.lastBuildDate.toLocaleFormat("%I:%M %p"); |
} |
let beginOfDay = new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)); |
let d = Math.floor((this.lastBuildDate.getTime() - beginOfDay.getTime()) / 86400000); |
if (d < 0) { |
lastBuild = _("Yesterday"); |
if (d < -1) |
lastBuild = _("%d days ago").format(-1 * d); |
} |
this._currentWeatherIcon.icon_name = this._weatherIcon.icon_name = iconname; |
let weatherInfoC = ""; |
let weatherInfoT = ""; |
if (this._comment_in_panel) |
weatherInfoC = comment; |
if (this._text_in_panel) |
weatherInfoT = temperature; |
this._weatherInfo.text = weatherInfoC + ((weatherInfoC && weatherInfoT) ? ", " : "") + weatherInfoT; |
this._currentWeatherSummary.text = comment + ", " + temperature; |
this._currentWeatherLocation.text = location; |
this._currentWeatherCloudiness.text = json.clouds.all + ' %'; |
this._currentWeatherHumidity.text = json.main.humidity + ' %'; |
this._currentWeatherPressure.text = this.formatPressure(json.main.pressure); |
this._currentWeatherSunrise.text = sunrise; |
this._currentWeatherSunset.text = sunset; |
this._currentWeatherBuild.text = lastBuild; |
this._currentWeatherWind.text = this.formatWind(json.wind.speed, this.getWindDirection(json.wind.deg)); |
this.parseWeatherForecast(); |
this.recalcLayout(); |
} |
function refreshWeatherCurrent() { |
this.oldLocation = this.extractCoord(this._city); |
let params = { |
lat: this.oldLocation.split(",")[0], |
lon: this.oldLocation.split(",")[1], |
units: 'metric' |
}; |
if (this._appid) |
params.APPID = this._appid; |
this.load_json_async(WEATHER_URL_CURRENT, params, function(json) { |
if (json && (Number(json.cod) == 200)) { |
if (this.currentWeatherCache != json) |
this.currentWeatherCache = json; |
this.rebuildSelectCityItem(); |
this.parseWeatherCurrent(); |
} else { |
// we are connected, but get no (or no correct) data, so invalidate
// the shown data and reload after 10 minutes (recommendded by
this.rebuildCurrentWeatherUi(); |
this.reloadWeatherCurrent(600); |
} |
}); |
this.reloadWeatherCurrent(this._refresh_interval_current); |
} |
function parseWeatherForecast() { |
if (this.forecastWeatherCache === undefined) { |
this.refreshWeatherForecast(); |
return; |
} |
let forecast = this.forecastWeatherCache; |
let beginOfDay = new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)); |
// Refresh forecast
for (let i = 0; i < this._days_forecast; i++) { |
let forecastUi = this._forecast[i]; |
let forecastData = forecast[i]; |
if (forecastData === undefined) |
continue; |
let t_low = this.formatTemperature(forecastData.temp.min); |
let t_high = this.formatTemperature(forecastData.temp.max); |
let comment =[0].description; |
if (this._translate_condition) |
comment = OpenweathermapOrg.getWeatherCondition([0].id); |
let forecastDate = new Date(forecastData.dt * 1000); |
let dayLeft = Math.floor((forecastDate.getTime() - beginOfDay.getTime()) / 86400000); |
let date_string = _("Today"); |
if (dayLeft == 1) |
date_string = _("Tomorrow"); |
else if (dayLeft > 1) |
date_string = _("In %d days").format(dayLeft); |
else if (dayLeft == -1) |
date_string = _("Yesterday"); |
else if (dayLeft < -1) |
date_string = _("%d days ago").format(-1 * dayLeft); |
forecastUi.Day.text = date_string + ' (' + this.getLocaleDay(forecastDate.getDay()) + ')\n' + forecastDate.toLocaleDateString(); |
forecastUi.Temperature.text = '\u2193 ' + t_low + ' \u2191 ' + t_high; |
forecastUi.Summary.text = comment; |
forecastUi.Icon.icon_name = this.getWeatherIcon([0].id); |
} |
} |
function refreshWeatherForecast() { |
this.oldLocation = this.extractCoord(this._city); |
let params = { |
lat: this.oldLocation.split(",")[0], |
lon: this.oldLocation.split(",")[1], |
units: 'metric', |
cnt: '13' |
}; |
if (this._appid) |
params.APPID = this._appid; |
this.load_json_async(WEATHER_URL_FORECAST, params, function(json) { |
if (json && (Number(json.cod) == 200)) { |
if (this.forecastWeatherCache != json.list) { |
this.owmCityId =; |
this.forecastWeatherCache = json.list; |
} |
this.parseWeatherForecast(); |
} else { |
// we are connected, but get no (or no correct) data, so invalidate
// the shown data and reload after 10 minutes (recommendded by
this.rebuildFutureWeatherUi(); |
this.reloadWeatherForecast(600); |
} |
}); |
this.reloadWeatherForecast(this._refresh_interval_forecast); |
} |
Reference in new issue