/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (C) 2017 Christopher N. Hesse * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "audio_hw_primary" /*#define LOG_NDEBUG 0*/ /*#define VERY_VERY_VERBOSE_LOGGING*/ #ifdef VERY_VERY_VERBOSE_LOGGING #define ALOGVV ALOGV #else #define ALOGVV(a...) do { } while(0) #endif #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "audio_hw.h" #include "sound/compress_params.h" #define MIXER_CTL_COMPRESS_PLAYBACK_VOLUME "Compress Playback Volume" /* Prototypes */ void lock_input_stream(struct stream_in *in); void lock_output_stream(struct stream_out *out); int disable_snd_device(struct audio_device *adev, struct audio_usecase *uc_info, snd_device_t snd_device, bool update_mixer); void enable_output_path_l(struct stream_out *out); int disable_output_path_l(struct stream_out *out); /* must be called with out->lock locked */ static int send_offload_cmd_l(struct stream_out* out, int command) { struct offload_cmd *cmd = (struct offload_cmd *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct offload_cmd)); ALOGVV("%s %d", __func__, command); cmd->cmd = command; list_add_tail(&out->offload_cmd_list, &cmd->node); pthread_cond_signal(&out->offload_cond); return 0; } /* must be called iwth out->lock locked */ void stop_compressed_output_l(struct stream_out *out) { out->send_new_metadata = 1; if (out->compr != NULL) { compress_stop(out->compr); while (out->offload_thread_blocked) { pthread_cond_wait(&out->cond, &out->lock); } } } static void *offload_thread_loop(void *context) { struct stream_out *out = (struct stream_out *) context; struct listnode *item; setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO); set_sched_policy(0, SP_FOREGROUND); prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"Offload Callback", 0, 0, 0); ALOGV("%s", __func__); lock_output_stream(out); for (;;) { struct offload_cmd *cmd = NULL; stream_callback_event_t event; bool send_callback = false; ALOGVV("%s offload_cmd_list %d out->offload_state %d", __func__, list_empty(&out->offload_cmd_list), out->offload_state); if (list_empty(&out->offload_cmd_list)) { ALOGV("%s SLEEPING", __func__); pthread_cond_wait(&out->offload_cond, &out->lock); ALOGV("%s RUNNING", __func__); continue; } item = list_head(&out->offload_cmd_list); cmd = node_to_item(item, struct offload_cmd, node); list_remove(item); ALOGVV("%s STATE %d CMD %d out->compr %p", __func__, out->offload_state, cmd->cmd, out->compr); if (cmd->cmd == OFFLOAD_CMD_EXIT) { free(cmd); break; } if (out->compr == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Compress handle is NULL", __func__); pthread_cond_signal(&out->cond); continue; } out->offload_thread_blocked = true; pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock); send_callback = false; switch(cmd->cmd) { case OFFLOAD_CMD_WAIT_FOR_BUFFER: compress_wait(out->compr, -1); send_callback = true; event = STREAM_CBK_EVENT_WRITE_READY; break; case OFFLOAD_CMD_PARTIAL_DRAIN: compress_next_track(out->compr); compress_partial_drain(out->compr); send_callback = true; event = STREAM_CBK_EVENT_DRAIN_READY; break; case OFFLOAD_CMD_DRAIN: compress_drain(out->compr); send_callback = true; event = STREAM_CBK_EVENT_DRAIN_READY; break; default: ALOGE("%s unknown command received: %d", __func__, cmd->cmd); break; } lock_output_stream(out); out->offload_thread_blocked = false; pthread_cond_signal(&out->cond); if (send_callback) { out->offload_callback(event, NULL, out->offload_cookie); } free(cmd); } pthread_cond_signal(&out->cond); while (!list_empty(&out->offload_cmd_list)) { item = list_head(&out->offload_cmd_list); list_remove(item); free(node_to_item(item, struct offload_cmd, node)); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock); return NULL; } int create_offload_callback_thread(struct stream_out *out) { pthread_cond_init(&out->offload_cond, (const pthread_condattr_t *) NULL); list_init(&out->offload_cmd_list); pthread_create(&out->offload_thread, (const pthread_attr_t *) NULL, offload_thread_loop, out); return 0; } int destroy_offload_callback_thread(struct stream_out *out) { lock_output_stream(out); send_offload_cmd_l(out, OFFLOAD_CMD_EXIT); pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock); pthread_join(out->offload_thread, (void **) NULL); pthread_cond_destroy(&out->offload_cond); return 0; } int parse_compress_metadata(struct stream_out *out, struct str_parms *parms) { int ret = 0; char value[32]; struct compr_gapless_mdata tmp_mdata; if (!out || !parms) { return -EINVAL; } ret = str_parms_get_str(parms, AUDIO_OFFLOAD_CODEC_DELAY_SAMPLES, value, sizeof(value)); if (ret >= 0) { tmp_mdata.encoder_delay = atoi(value); /* what is a good limit check? */ } else { return -EINVAL; } ret = str_parms_get_str(parms, AUDIO_OFFLOAD_CODEC_PADDING_SAMPLES, value, sizeof(value)); if (ret >= 0) { tmp_mdata.encoder_padding = atoi(value); } else { return -EINVAL; } out->gapless_mdata = tmp_mdata; out->send_new_metadata = 1; ALOGV("%s new encoder delay %u and padding %u", __func__, out->gapless_mdata.encoder_delay, out->gapless_mdata.encoder_padding); return 0; } int stop_output_offload_stream(struct stream_out *out, bool *disable) { int ret = 0; struct audio_device *adev = out->dev; if (adev->offload_fx_stop_output != NULL) { adev->offload_fx_stop_output(out->handle); if (out->offload_state == OFFLOAD_STATE_PAUSED || out->offload_state == OFFLOAD_STATE_PAUSED_FLUSHED) *disable = false; out->offload_state = OFFLOAD_STATE_IDLE; } return ret; } int out_set_offload_parameters(struct audio_device *adev, struct audio_usecase *uc_info) { int ret = 0; if (uc_info == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Could not find the usecase (%d) in the list", __func__, USECASE_AUDIO_PLAYBACK); ret = -1; } if (uc_info != NULL && uc_info->out_snd_device == SND_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER_AND_HEADPHONES) { ALOGV("Out_set_param: spk+headset enabled\n"); uc_info->out_snd_device = SND_DEVICE_OUT_HEADPHONES; disable_snd_device(adev, uc_info, SND_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER, true); } return ret; } ssize_t out_write_offload(struct audio_stream_out *stream, const void *buffer, size_t bytes) { struct stream_out *out = (struct stream_out *)stream; struct audio_device *adev = out->dev; ssize_t ret = 0; ALOGVV("%s: writing buffer (%d bytes) to compress device", __func__, bytes); if (out->offload_state == OFFLOAD_STATE_PAUSED_FLUSHED) { ALOGV("start offload write from pause state"); pthread_mutex_lock(&adev->lock); enable_output_path_l(out); pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock); } if (out->send_new_metadata) { ALOGVV("send new gapless metadata"); compress_set_gapless_metadata(out->compr, &out->gapless_mdata); out->send_new_metadata = 0; } ret = compress_write(out->compr, buffer, bytes); ALOGVV("%s: writing buffer (%d bytes) to compress device returned %d", __func__, bytes, ret); if (ret >= 0 && ret < (ssize_t)bytes) { send_offload_cmd_l(out, OFFLOAD_CMD_WAIT_FOR_BUFFER); } if (out->offload_state != OFFLOAD_STATE_PLAYING) { compress_start(out->compr); out->offload_state = OFFLOAD_STATE_PLAYING; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock); #ifdef PREPROCESSING_ENABLED if (in) { /* This mutex was left locked iff in != NULL */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock_inputs); } #endif return ret; } int out_get_render_offload_position(struct stream_out *out, uint32_t *dsp_frames) { *dsp_frames = 0; if (dsp_frames != NULL) { lock_output_stream(out); if (out->compr != NULL) { compress_get_tstamp(out->compr, (unsigned long *)dsp_frames, &out->sample_rate); ALOGVV("%s rendered frames %d sample_rate %d", __func__, *dsp_frames, out->sample_rate); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock); return 0; } else return -EINVAL; } int out_get_presentation_offload_position(struct stream_out *out, uint64_t *frames, struct timespec *timestamp) { int ret = -1; unsigned long dsp_frames; if (out->compr != NULL) { compress_get_tstamp(out->compr, &dsp_frames, &out->sample_rate); ALOGVV("%s rendered frames %ld sample_rate %d", __func__, dsp_frames, out->sample_rate); *frames = dsp_frames; ret = 0; /* this is the best we can do */ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, timestamp); } return ret; } int out_pause_offload(struct stream_out *out) { int status = -ENOSYS; lock_output_stream(out); if (out->compr != NULL && out->offload_state == OFFLOAD_STATE_PLAYING) { status = compress_pause(out->compr); out->offload_state = OFFLOAD_STATE_PAUSED; pthread_mutex_lock(&out->dev->lock); status = disable_output_path_l(out); pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->dev->lock); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock); return status; } int out_resume_offload(struct stream_out *out) { int status = -ENOSYS; status = 0; lock_output_stream(out); if (out->compr != NULL && out->offload_state == OFFLOAD_STATE_PAUSED) { pthread_mutex_lock(&out->dev->lock); enable_output_path_l(out); pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->dev->lock); status = compress_resume(out->compr); out->offload_state = OFFLOAD_STATE_PLAYING; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock); return status; } int out_drain_offload(struct stream_out *out, audio_drain_type_t type) { int status = -ENOSYS; lock_output_stream(out); if (type == AUDIO_DRAIN_EARLY_NOTIFY) status = send_offload_cmd_l(out, OFFLOAD_CMD_PARTIAL_DRAIN); else status = send_offload_cmd_l(out, OFFLOAD_CMD_DRAIN); pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock); return status; } int out_flush_offload(struct stream_out *out) { lock_output_stream(out); if (out->offload_state == OFFLOAD_STATE_PLAYING) { ALOGE("out_flush() called in wrong state %d", out->offload_state); pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock); return -ENOSYS; } if (out->offload_state == OFFLOAD_STATE_PAUSED) { stop_compressed_output_l(out); out->offload_state = OFFLOAD_STATE_PAUSED_FLUSHED; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock); return 0; } int out_set_offload_volume(float left, float right) { int offload_volume[2];//For stereo struct mixer_ctl *ctl; struct mixer *mixer = NULL; offload_volume[0] = (int)(left * COMPRESS_PLAYBACK_VOLUME_MAX); offload_volume[1] = (int)(right * COMPRESS_PLAYBACK_VOLUME_MAX); mixer = mixer_open(MIXER_CARD); if (!mixer) { ALOGE("%s unable to open the mixer for card %d, aborting.", __func__, MIXER_CARD); return -EINVAL; } ctl = mixer_get_ctl_by_name(mixer, MIXER_CTL_COMPRESS_PLAYBACK_VOLUME); if (!ctl) { ALOGE("%s: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - %s", __func__, MIXER_CTL_COMPRESS_PLAYBACK_VOLUME); mixer_close(mixer); return -EINVAL; } ALOGV("out_set_volume set offload volume (%f, %f)", left, right); mixer_ctl_set_array(ctl, offload_volume, sizeof(offload_volume)/sizeof(offload_volume[0])); mixer_close(mixer); return 0; }