/* ** ** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project ** Copyright 2010, Samsung Electronics Co. LTD ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ /* ** ** @author Taikyung, Yu(taikyung.yu@samsung.com) ** @date 2011-07-06 */ #define LOG_TAG "SecTVOutService" #include #include #include #include #include #include "SecTVOutService.h" #include namespace android { #define DEFAULT_LCD_WIDTH 800 #define DEFAULT_LCD_HEIGHT 480 #define DIRECT_VIDEO_RENDERING (1) #define DIRECT_UI_RENDERING (0) enum { SET_HDMI_STATUS = IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION, SET_HDMI_MODE, SET_HDMI_RESOLUTION, SET_HDMI_HDCP, SET_HDMI_ROTATE, SET_HDMI_HWCLAYER, BLIT_2_HDMI }; int SecTVOutService::HdmiFlushThread() { while (!mExitHdmiFlushThread) { nsecs_t timeout = -1; sp msg = mHdmiEventQueue.waitMessage(timeout); } return 0; } int SecTVOutService::instantiate() { ALOGD("SecTVOutService instantiate"); int r = defaultServiceManager()->addService(String16( "SecTVOutService"), new SecTVOutService ()); ALOGD("SecTVOutService r=%d", r); return r; } SecTVOutService::SecTVOutService () { ALOGV("SecTVOutService created"); mHdmiCableInserted = false; #ifdef SUPPORT_G2D_UI_MODE mUILayerMode = SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_GRAPHIC_1; #else mUILayerMode = SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_VIDEO; #endif mHwcLayer = 0; mExitHdmiFlushThread = false; setLCDsize(); if (mSecHdmi.create(mLCD_width, mLCD_height) == false) ALOGE("%s::mSecHdmi.create() fail", __func__); else setHdmiStatus(1); mHdmiFlushThread = new HDMIFlushThread(this); } void SecTVOutService::setLCDsize(void) { char const * const device_template[] = { "/dev/graphics/fb%u", "/dev/fb%u", 0 }; int fd = -1; int i = 0; char name[64]; while ((fd==-1) && device_template[i]) { snprintf(name, 64, device_template[i], 0); fd = open(name, O_RDWR, 0); i++; } if (fd > 0) { struct fb_var_screeninfo info; if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &info) != -1) { mLCD_width = info.xres; mLCD_height = info.yres; } else { mLCD_width = DEFAULT_LCD_WIDTH; mLCD_height = DEFAULT_LCD_HEIGHT; } close(fd); } return; } SecTVOutService::~SecTVOutService () { ALOGV ("SecTVOutService destroyed"); if (mHdmiFlushThread != NULL) { mHdmiFlushThread->requestExit(); mExitHdmiFlushThread = true; mHdmiFlushThread->requestExitAndWait(); mHdmiFlushThread.clear(); } } status_t SecTVOutService::onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel & data, Parcel * reply, uint32_t flags) { switch (code) { case SET_HDMI_STATUS: { int status = data.readInt32(); setHdmiStatus(status); } break; case SET_HDMI_MODE: { int mode = data.readInt32(); setHdmiMode(mode); } break; case SET_HDMI_RESOLUTION: { int resolution = data.readInt32(); setHdmiResolution(resolution); } break; case SET_HDMI_HDCP: { int enHdcp = data.readInt32(); setHdmiHdcp(enHdcp); } break; case SET_HDMI_ROTATE: { int rotVal = data.readInt32(); int hwcLayer = data.readInt32(); setHdmiRotate(rotVal, hwcLayer); } break; case SET_HDMI_HWCLAYER: { int hwcLayer = data.readInt32(); setHdmiHwcLayer((uint32_t)hwcLayer); } break; case BLIT_2_HDMI: { uint32_t w = data.readInt32(); uint32_t h = data.readInt32(); uint32_t colorFormat = data.readInt32(); uint32_t physYAddr = data.readInt32(); uint32_t physCbAddr = data.readInt32(); uint32_t physCrAddr = data.readInt32(); uint32_t dstX = data.readInt32(); uint32_t dstY = data.readInt32(); uint32_t hdmiLayer = data.readInt32(); uint32_t num_of_hwc_layer = data.readInt32(); blit2Hdmi(w, h, colorFormat, physYAddr, physCbAddr, physCrAddr, dstX, dstY, hdmiLayer, num_of_hwc_layer); } break; default : ALOGE ( "onTransact::default"); return BBinder::onTransact (code, data, reply, flags); } return NO_ERROR; } void SecTVOutService::setHdmiStatus(uint32_t status) { ALOGD("%s HDMI cable status = %d", __func__, status); { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); bool hdmiCableInserted = (bool)status; if (mHdmiCableInserted == hdmiCableInserted) return; if (hdmiCableInserted == true) { if (mSecHdmi.connect() == false) { ALOGE("%s::mSecHdmi.connect() fail", __func__); hdmiCableInserted = false; } } else { if (mSecHdmi.disconnect() == false) ALOGE("%s::mSecHdmi.disconnect() fail", __func__); } mHdmiCableInserted = hdmiCableInserted; } if (hdmiCableInserted() == true) this->blit2Hdmi(mLCD_width, mLCD_height, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, HDMI_MODE_UI, 0); } void SecTVOutService::setHdmiMode(uint32_t mode) { ALOGD("%s TV mode = %d", __func__, mode); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); if ((hdmiCableInserted() == true) && (mSecHdmi.setHdmiOutputMode(mode)) == false) { ALOGE("%s::mSecHdmi.setHdmiOutputMode() fail", __func__); return; } } void SecTVOutService::setHdmiResolution(uint32_t resolution) { //ALOGD("%s TV resolution = %d", __func__, resolution); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); if ((hdmiCableInserted() == true) && (mSecHdmi.setHdmiResolution(resolution)) == false) { ALOGE("%s::mSecHdmi.setHdmiResolution() fail", __func__); return; } } void SecTVOutService::setHdmiHdcp(uint32_t hdcp_en) { ALOGD("%s TV HDCP = %d", __func__, hdcp_en); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); if ((hdmiCableInserted() == true) && (mSecHdmi.setHdcpMode(hdcp_en)) == false) { ALOGE("%s::mSecHdmi.setHdcpMode() fail", __func__); return; } } void SecTVOutService::setHdmiRotate(uint32_t rotVal, uint32_t hwcLayer) { //ALOGD("%s TV ROTATE = %d", __func__, rotVal); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); if ((hdmiCableInserted() == true) && (mSecHdmi.setUIRotation(rotVal, hwcLayer)) == false) { ALOGE("%s::mSecHdmi.setUIRotation() fail", __func__); return; } } void SecTVOutService::setHdmiHwcLayer(uint32_t hwcLayer) { //ALOGD("%s TV HWCLAYER = %d", __func__, hwcLayer); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); mHwcLayer = hwcLayer; return; } void SecTVOutService::blit2Hdmi(uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t colorFormat, uint32_t pPhyYAddr, uint32_t pPhyCbAddr, uint32_t pPhyCrAddr, uint32_t dstX, uint32_t dstY, uint32_t hdmiMode, uint32_t num_of_hwc_layer) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); if (hdmiCableInserted() == false) return; int hdmiLayer = SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_VIDEO; #if defined(CHECK_UI_TIME) || defined(CHECK_VIDEO_TIME) nsecs_t start, end; #endif sp msg; switch (hdmiMode) { case HDMI_MODE_UI : if (mHwcLayer >= 2) hdmiLayer = SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_GRAPHIC_0; else if (mHwcLayer == 1) hdmiLayer = SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_GRAPHIC_1; else #ifdef SUPPORT_G2D_UI_MODE hdmiLayer = SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_GRAPHIC_1; #else hdmiLayer = SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_VIDEO; #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_G2D_UI_MODE if (mHwcLayer == 0) { if (mSecHdmi.clear(SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_VIDEO) == false) ALOGE("%s::mSecHdmi.clear(%d) fail", __func__, SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_VIDEO); if (mSecHdmi.clear(SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_GRAPHIC_0) == false) ALOGE("%s::mSecHdmi.clear(%d) fail", __func__, SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_GRAPHIC_0); } #endif if (mUILayerMode != hdmiLayer) { if (mSecHdmi.clear(mUILayerMode) == false) ALOGE("%s::mSecHdmi.clear(%d) fail", __func__, mUILayerMode); } mUILayerMode = hdmiLayer; #if !defined(BOARD_USES_HDMI_SUBTITLES) if (mHwcLayer == 0) #endif #if (DIRECT_UI_RENDERING == 1) { #ifdef CHECK_UI_TIME start = systemTime(); #endif if (mSecHdmi.flush(w, h, colorFormat, pPhyYAddr, pPhyCbAddr, pPhyCrAddr, dstX, dstY, mUILayerMode, mHwcLayer) == false) ALOGE("%s::mSecHdmi.flush() on HDMI_MODE_UI fail", __func__); #ifdef CHECK_UI_TIME end = systemTime(); ALOGD("[UI] mSecHdmi.flush[end-start] = %ld ms", long(ns2ms(end)) - long(ns2ms(start))); #endif } #else { msg = new SecHdmiEventMsg(&mSecHdmi, w, h, colorFormat, pPhyYAddr, pPhyCbAddr, pPhyCrAddr, dstX, dstY, mUILayerMode, mHwcLayer, HDMI_MODE_UI); /* post to HdmiEventQueue */ mHdmiEventQueue.postMessage(msg, 0, 0); } #endif break; case HDMI_MODE_VIDEO : #if !defined(BOARD_USES_HDMI_SUBTITLES) #ifdef SUPPORT_G2D_UI_MODE if (mSecHdmi.clear(SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_GRAPHIC_0) == false) ALOGE("%s::mSecHdmi.clear(%d) fail", __func__, SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_GRAPHIC_0); if (mSecHdmi.clear(SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_GRAPHIC_1) == false) ALOGE("%s::mSecHdmi.clear(%d) fail", __func__, SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_GRAPHIC_1); #endif #endif #if (DIRECT_VIDEO_RENDERING == 1) #ifdef CHECK_VIDEO_TIME start = systemTime(); #endif if (mSecHdmi.flush(w, h, colorFormat, pPhyYAddr, pPhyCbAddr, pPhyCrAddr, dstX, dstY, SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_VIDEO, mHwcLayer) == false) ALOGE("%s::mSecHdmi.flush() on HDMI_MODE_VIDEO fail", __func__); #ifdef CHECK_VIDEO_TIME end = systemTime(); ALOGD("[Video] mSecHdmi.flush[end-start] = %ld ms", long(ns2ms(end)) - long(ns2ms(start))); #endif #else msg = new SecHdmiEventMsg(&mSecHdmi, w, h, colorFormat, pPhyYAddr, pPhyCbAddr, pPhyCrAddr, dstX, dstY, SecHdmi::HDMI_LAYER_VIDEO, mHwcLayer, HDMI_MODE_VIDEO); /* post to HdmiEventQueue */ mHdmiEventQueue.postMessage(msg, 0, 0); #endif break; default: ALOGE("unmatched HDMI_MODE : %d", hdmiMode); break; } return; } bool SecTVOutService::hdmiCableInserted(void) { return mHdmiCableInserted; } }