/* * * Copyright 2010 Samsung Electronics S.LSI Co. LTD * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * @file SEC_OMX_Component_Register.c * @brief SEC OpenMAX IL Component Register * @author SeungBeom Kim (sbcrux.kim@samsung.com) * @version 1.0 * @history * 2010.7.15 : Create */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "OMX_Component.h" #include "SEC_OSAL_Memory.h" #include "SEC_OSAL_ETC.h" #include "SEC_OSAL_Library.h" #include "SEC_OMX_Component_Register.h" #include "SEC_OMX_Macros.h" #undef SEC_LOG_TAG #define SEC_LOG_TAG "SEC_COMP_REGS" #define SEC_LOG_OFF #include "SEC_OSAL_Log.h" #define REGISTRY_FILENAME "secomxregistry" OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_Component_Register(SEC_OMX_COMPONENT_REGLIST **compList, OMX_U32 *compNum) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; int componentNum = 0, roleNum = 0, totalCompNum = 0; int read; char *omxregistryfile = NULL; char *line = NULL; char *libName; FILE *omxregistryfp; size_t len; OMX_HANDLETYPE soHandle; const char *errorMsg; int (*SEC_OMX_COMPONENT_Library_Register)(SECRegisterComponentType **secComponents); SECRegisterComponentType **secComponentsTemp; SEC_OMX_COMPONENT_REGLIST *componentList; FunctionIn(); omxregistryfile = SEC_OSAL_Malloc(strlen("/system/etc/") + strlen(REGISTRY_FILENAME) + 2); SEC_OSAL_Strcpy(omxregistryfile, "/system/etc/"); SEC_OSAL_Strcat(omxregistryfile, REGISTRY_FILENAME); omxregistryfp = fopen(omxregistryfile, "r"); if (omxregistryfp == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorUndefined; goto EXIT; } SEC_OSAL_Free(omxregistryfile); fseek(omxregistryfp, 0, 0); componentList = (SEC_OMX_COMPONENT_REGLIST *)SEC_OSAL_Malloc(sizeof(SEC_OMX_COMPONENT_REGLIST) * MAX_OMX_COMPONENT_NUM); SEC_OSAL_Memset(componentList, 0, sizeof(SEC_OMX_COMPONENT_REGLIST) * MAX_OMX_COMPONENT_NUM); libName = SEC_OSAL_Malloc(MAX_OMX_COMPONENT_LIBNAME_SIZE); while ((read = getline(&line, &len, omxregistryfp)) != -1) { if ((*line == 'l') && (*(line + 1) == 'i') && (*(line + 2) == 'b') && (*(line + 3) == 'O') && (*(line + 4) == 'M') && (*(line + 5) == 'X')) { SEC_OSAL_Memset(libName, 0, MAX_OMX_COMPONENT_LIBNAME_SIZE); SEC_OSAL_Strncpy(libName, line, SEC_OSAL_Strlen(line)-1); SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "libName : %s", libName); if ((soHandle = SEC_OSAL_dlopen(libName, RTLD_NOW)) != NULL) { SEC_OSAL_dlerror(); /* clear error*/ if ((SEC_OMX_COMPONENT_Library_Register = SEC_OSAL_dlsym(soHandle, "SEC_OMX_COMPONENT_Library_Register")) != NULL) { int i = 0, j = 0; componentNum = (*SEC_OMX_COMPONENT_Library_Register)(NULL); secComponentsTemp = (SECRegisterComponentType **)SEC_OSAL_Malloc(sizeof(SECRegisterComponentType*) * componentNum); for (i = 0; i < componentNum; i++) { secComponentsTemp[i] = SEC_OSAL_Malloc(sizeof(SECRegisterComponentType)); SEC_OSAL_Memset(secComponentsTemp[i], 0, sizeof(SECRegisterComponentType)); } (*SEC_OMX_COMPONENT_Library_Register)(secComponentsTemp); for (i = 0; i < componentNum; i++) { SEC_OSAL_Strcpy(componentList[totalCompNum].component.componentName, secComponentsTemp[i]->componentName); for (j = 0; j < secComponentsTemp[i]->totalRoleNum; j++) SEC_OSAL_Strcpy(componentList[totalCompNum].component.roles[j], secComponentsTemp[i]->roles[j]); componentList[totalCompNum].component.totalRoleNum = secComponentsTemp[i]->totalRoleNum; SEC_OSAL_Strcpy(componentList[totalCompNum].libName, libName); totalCompNum++; } for (i = 0; i < componentNum; i++) { SEC_OSAL_Free(secComponentsTemp[i]); } SEC_OSAL_Free(secComponentsTemp); } else { if ((errorMsg = SEC_OSAL_dlerror()) != NULL) SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_WARNING, "dlsym failed: %s", errorMsg); } SEC_OSAL_dlclose(soHandle); } else { SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_WARNING, "dlopen failed: %s", SEC_OSAL_dlerror()); } } else { /* not a component name line. skip */ continue; } } SEC_OSAL_Free(libName); fclose(omxregistryfp); *compList = componentList; *compNum = totalCompNum; EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_Component_Unregister(SEC_OMX_COMPONENT_REGLIST *componentList) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; SEC_OSAL_Memset(componentList, 0, sizeof(SEC_OMX_COMPONENT_REGLIST) * MAX_OMX_COMPONENT_NUM); SEC_OSAL_Free(componentList); EXIT: return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_ComponentAPICheck(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE component) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; if ((NULL == component.GetComponentVersion) || (NULL == component.SendCommand) || (NULL == component.GetParameter) || (NULL == component.SetParameter) || (NULL == component.GetConfig) || (NULL == component.SetConfig) || (NULL == component.GetExtensionIndex) || (NULL == component.GetState) || (NULL == component.ComponentTunnelRequest) || (NULL == component.UseBuffer) || (NULL == component.AllocateBuffer) || (NULL == component.FreeBuffer) || (NULL == component.EmptyThisBuffer) || (NULL == component.FillThisBuffer) || (NULL == component.SetCallbacks) || (NULL == component.ComponentDeInit) || (NULL == component.UseEGLImage) || (NULL == component.ComponentRoleEnum)) ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidComponent; else ret = OMX_ErrorNone; return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_ComponentLoad(SEC_OMX_COMPONENT *sec_component) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_HANDLETYPE libHandle; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent; FunctionIn(); OMX_ERRORTYPE (*SEC_OMX_ComponentInit)(OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_STRING componentName); libHandle = SEC_OSAL_dlopen(sec_component->libName, RTLD_NOW); if (!libHandle) { ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidComponentName; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_ErrorInvalidComponentName, Line:%d", __LINE__); goto EXIT; } SEC_OMX_ComponentInit = SEC_OSAL_dlsym(libHandle, "SEC_OMX_ComponentInit"); if (!SEC_OMX_ComponentInit) { SEC_OSAL_dlclose(libHandle); ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidComponent; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_ErrorInvalidComponent, Line:%d", __LINE__); goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)SEC_OSAL_Malloc(sizeof(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE)); INIT_SET_SIZE_VERSION(pOMXComponent, OMX_COMPONENTTYPE); ret = (*SEC_OMX_ComponentInit)((OMX_HANDLETYPE)pOMXComponent, sec_component->componentName); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { SEC_OSAL_Free(pOMXComponent); SEC_OSAL_dlclose(libHandle); ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidComponent; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_ErrorInvalidComponent, Line:%d", __LINE__); goto EXIT; } else { if (SEC_OMX_ComponentAPICheck(*pOMXComponent) != OMX_ErrorNone) { SEC_OSAL_Free(pOMXComponent); SEC_OSAL_dlclose(libHandle); if (NULL != pOMXComponent->ComponentDeInit) pOMXComponent->ComponentDeInit(pOMXComponent); ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidComponent; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_ErrorInvalidComponent, Line:%d", __LINE__); goto EXIT; } sec_component->libHandle = libHandle; sec_component->pOMXComponent = pOMXComponent; ret = OMX_ErrorNone; } EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_ComponentUnload(SEC_OMX_COMPONENT *sec_component) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; FunctionIn(); if (!sec_component) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = sec_component->pOMXComponent; if (pOMXComponent != NULL) { pOMXComponent->ComponentDeInit(pOMXComponent); SEC_OSAL_Free(pOMXComponent); sec_component->pOMXComponent = NULL; } if (sec_component->libHandle != NULL) { SEC_OSAL_dlclose(sec_component->libHandle); sec_component->libHandle = NULL; } EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; }