/* ** ** Copyright 2009 Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd. ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. ** ** */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // include /////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ALOG_NDEBUG 0 #define ALOG_TAG "FimgC210" #include #include "FimgC210.h" namespace android { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // FimgC210 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Mutex FimgC210::m_instanceLock; int FimgC210::m_curFimgC210Index = 0; int FimgC210::m_numOfInstance = 0; FimgApi * FimgC210::m_ptrFimgApiList[NUMBER_FIMG_LIST] = {NULL, }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// FimgC210::FimgC210() : m_g2dFd(0), m_g2dVirtAddr(NULL), m_g2dSize(0), m_g2dSrcVirtAddr(NULL), m_g2dSrcSize(0), m_g2dDstVirtAddr(NULL), m_g2dDstSize(0) { m_lock = new Mutex(Mutex::SHARED, "FimgC210"); } FimgC210::~FimgC210() { delete m_lock; } FimgApi * FimgC210::CreateInstance() { Mutex::Autolock autolock(m_instanceLock); FimgApi * ptrFimg = NULL; // Using List like RingBuffer... for(int i = m_curFimgC210Index; i < NUMBER_FIMG_LIST; i++) { if(m_ptrFimgApiList[i] == NULL) m_ptrFimgApiList[i] = new FimgC210; if(m_ptrFimgApiList[i]->FlagCreate() == false) { if(m_ptrFimgApiList[i]->Create() == false) { PRINT("%s::Create(%d) fail\n", __func__, i); goto CreateInstance_End; } else m_numOfInstance++; } if(i < NUMBER_FIMG_LIST - 1) m_curFimgC210Index = i + 1; else m_curFimgC210Index = 0; ptrFimg = m_ptrFimgApiList[i]; goto CreateInstance_End; } CreateInstance_End : return ptrFimg; } void FimgC210::DestroyInstance(FimgApi * ptrFimgApi) { Mutex::Autolock autolock(m_instanceLock); for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER_FIMG_LIST; i++) { if(m_ptrFimgApiList[i] != NULL && m_ptrFimgApiList[i] == ptrFimgApi) { if(m_ptrFimgApiList[i]->FlagCreate() == true && m_ptrFimgApiList[i]->Destroy() == false) { PRINT("%s::Destroy() fail\n", __func__); } else { FimgC210 * tempFimgC210 = (FimgC210 *)m_ptrFimgApiList[i]; delete tempFimgC210; m_ptrFimgApiList[i] = NULL; m_numOfInstance--; } break; } } } void FimgC210::DestroyAllInstance(void) { Mutex::Autolock autolock(m_instanceLock); for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER_FIMG_LIST; i++) { if(m_ptrFimgApiList[i] != NULL) { if(m_ptrFimgApiList[i]->FlagCreate() == true && m_ptrFimgApiList[i]->Destroy() == false) { PRINT("%s::Destroy() fail\n", __func__); } else { FimgC210 * tempFimgC210 = (FimgC210 *)m_ptrFimgApiList[i]; delete tempFimgC210; m_ptrFimgApiList[i] = NULL; } } } } bool FimgC210::t_Create(void) { bool ret = true; if(m_CreateG2D() == false) { PRINT("%s::m_CreateG2D() fail \n", __func__); if(m_DestroyG2D() == false) PRINT("%s::m_DestroyG2D() fail \n", __func__); ret = false; } return ret; } bool FimgC210::t_Destroy(void) { bool ret = true; if(m_DestroyG2D() == false) { PRINT("%s::m_DestroyG2D() fail \n", __func__); ret = false; } return ret; } bool FimgC210::t_Stretch(FimgRect * src, FimgRect * dst, FimgClip * clip, FimgFlag * flag) { #ifdef CHECK_FIMGC210_PERFORMANCE #define NUM_OF_STEP (10) StopWatch stopWatch("CHECK_FIMGC210_PERFORMANCE"); const char * stopWatchName[NUM_OF_STEP]; nsecs_t stopWatchTime[NUM_OF_STEP]; int stopWatchIndex = 0; #endif // CHECK_FIMGC210_PERFORMANCE if(m_DoG2D(src, dst, clip, flag) == false) { goto STRETCH_FAIL; } #ifdef G2D_NONE_BLOCKING_MODE if(m_PollG2D(&m_g2dPoll) == false) { PRINT("%s::m_PollG2D() fail\n", __func__); goto STRETCH_FAIL; } #endif #ifdef CHECK_FIMGC210_PERFORMANCE m_PrintFimgC210Performance(src, dst, stopWatchIndex, stopWatchName, stopWatchTime); #endif // CHECK_FIMGC210_PERFORMANCE return true; STRETCH_FAIL: return false; } bool FimgC210::t_Sync(void) { #if 0 if(ioctl(m_g2dFd, G2D_SYNC) < 0) { PRINT("%s::G2D_Sync fail\n", __func__); goto SYNC_FAIL; } #else if(m_PollG2D(&m_g2dPoll) == false) { PRINT("%s::m_PollG2D() fail\n", __func__); goto SYNC_FAIL; } #endif return true; SYNC_FAIL: return false; } bool FimgC210::t_Lock(void) { m_lock->lock(); return true; } bool FimgC210::t_UnLock(void) { m_lock->unlock(); return true; } bool FimgC210::m_CreateG2D(void) { void * mmap_base; if(m_g2dFd != 0) { PRINT("%s::m_g2dFd(%d) is not 0 fail\n", __func__, m_g2dFd); return false; } #ifdef G2D_NONE_BLOCKING_MODE m_g2dFd = open(SEC_G2D_DEV_NAME, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); #else m_g2dFd = open(SEC_G2D_DEV_NAME, O_RDWR); #endif if(m_g2dFd < 0) { PRINT("%s::open(%s) fail(%s)\n", __func__, SEC_G2D_DEV_NAME, strerror(errno)); m_g2dFd = 0; return false; } memset(&m_g2dPoll, 0, sizeof(m_g2dPoll)); m_g2dPoll.fd = m_g2dFd; m_g2dPoll.events = POLLOUT | POLLERR; return true; } bool FimgC210::m_DestroyG2D(void) { if(m_g2dVirtAddr != NULL) { munmap(m_g2dVirtAddr, m_g2dSize); m_g2dVirtAddr = NULL; m_g2dSize = 0; } if(0 < m_g2dFd) { close(m_g2dFd); } m_g2dFd = 0; return true; } //bool FimgC210::m_DoG2D(FimgRect * src, FimgRect * dst, int rotateValue, int alphaValue, int colorKey) bool FimgC210::m_DoG2D(FimgRect * src, FimgRect * dst, FimgClip * clip, FimgFlag * flag) { g2d_params params; memcpy(¶ms.src_rect, src, sizeof(FimgRect)); memcpy(¶ms.dst_rect, dst, sizeof(FimgRect)); memcpy(¶ms.clip, clip, sizeof(FimgClip)); memcpy(¶ms.flag, flag, sizeof(FimgFlag)); if(ioctl(m_g2dFd, G2D_BLIT, ¶ms) < 0) { #if 0 { PRINT("---------------------------------------\n"); PRINT("src.color_format : %d \n", src->color_format); PRINT("src.full_w : %d \n", src->full_w); PRINT("src.full_h : %d \n", src->full_h); PRINT("src.x : %d \n", src->x); PRINT("src.y : %d \n", src->y); PRINT("src.w : %d \n", src->w); PRINT("src.h : %d \n", src->h); PRINT("dst.color_format : %d \n", dst->color_format); PRINT("dst.full_w : %d \n", dst->full_w); PRINT("dst.full_h : %d \n", dst->full_h); PRINT("dst.x : %d \n", dst->x); PRINT("dst.y : %d \n", dst->y); PRINT("dst.w : %d \n", dst->w); PRINT("dst.h : %d \n", dst->h); PRINT("flag.rotate_val : %d \n", flag->rotate_val); PRINT("flag.alpha_val : %d(%d) \n", flag->alpha_val); PRINT("flag.color_key_mode : %d(%d) \n", flag->color_key_mode, flag->color_key_val); PRINT("---------------------------------------\n"); } #endif return false; } return true; } inline bool FimgC210::m_PollG2D(struct pollfd * events) { #define G2D_POLL_TIME (1000) int ret; ret = poll(events, 1, G2D_POLL_TIME); if (ret < 0) { if(ioctl(m_g2dFd, G2D_RESET) < 0) { PRINT("%s::G2D_RESET fail\n", __func__); } PRINT("%s::poll fail \n", __func__); return false; } else if (ret == 0) { if(ioctl(m_g2dFd, G2D_RESET) < 0) { PRINT("%s::G2D_RESET fail\n", __func__); } PRINT("%s::No data in %d milli secs..\n", __func__, G2D_POLL_TIME); return false; } return true; } inline bool FimgC210::m_CleanG2D(unsigned int virtAddr, unsigned int size) { g2d_dma_info dma_info = { virtAddr, size }; if(ioctl(m_g2dFd, G2D_DMA_CACHE_CLEAN, &dma_info) < 0) { PRINT("%s::G2D_DMA_CACHE_CLEAN(%d, %d) fail\n", __func__, virtAddr, size); return false; } return true; } inline bool FimgC210::m_FlushG2D (unsigned int virtAddr, unsigned int size) { g2d_dma_info dma_info = { virtAddr, size }; if(ioctl(m_g2dFd, G2D_DMA_CACHE_FLUSH, &dma_info) < 0) { PRINT("%s::G2D_DMA_CACHE_FLUSH(%d, %d) fail\n", __func__, virtAddr, size); return false; } return true; } inline int FimgC210::m_RotateValueFimgApi2FimgHw(int rotateValue) { switch (rotateValue) { case ROTATE_0: return G2D_ROT_0; case ROTATE_90: return G2D_ROT_90; case ROTATE_180: return G2D_ROT_180; case ROTATE_270: return G2D_ROT_270; case ROTATE_X_FLIP: return G2D_ROT_X_FLIP; case ROTATE_Y_FLIP: return G2D_ROT_Y_FLIP; } return -1; } #ifdef CHECK_FIMGC210_PERFORMANCE void FimgC210::m_PrintFimgC210Performance(FimgRect * src, FimgRect * dst, int stopWatchIndex, const char * stopWatchName[], nsecs_t stopWatchTime[]) { char * srcColorFormat = "UNKNOW_COLOR_FORMAT"; char * dstColorFormat = "UNKNOW_COLOR_FORMAT"; switch(src->color_format) { case COLOR_FORMAT_RGB_565 : srcColorFormat = "RGB_565"; break; case COLOR_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 : srcColorFormat = "RGBA_8888"; break; case COLOR_FORMAT_RGBX_8888 : srcColorFormat = "RGBX_8888"; break; default : srcColorFormat = "UNKNOW_COLOR_FORMAT"; break; } switch(dst->color_format) { case COLOR_FORMAT_RGB_565 : dstColorFormat = "RGB_565"; break; case COLOR_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 : dstColorFormat = "RGBA_8888"; break; case COLOR_FORMAT_RGBX_8888 : dstColorFormat = "RGBX_8888"; break; default : dstColorFormat = "UNKNOW_COLOR_FORMAT"; break; } #ifdef CHECK_FIMGC210_CRITICAL_PERFORMANCE #else PRINT("===============================================\n"); PRINT("src[%3d, %3d | %10s] -> dst[%3d, %3d | %10s]\n", src->w, src->h, srcColorFormat, dst->w, dst->h, dstColorFormat); #endif nsecs_t totalTime = stopWatchTime[stopWatchIndex - 1]; for(int i = 0 ; i < stopWatchIndex; i++) { nsecs_t sectionTime; if(i != 0) sectionTime = stopWatchTime[i] - stopWatchTime[i-1]; else sectionTime = stopWatchTime[i]; #ifdef CHECK_FIMGC210_CRITICAL_PERFORMANCE if(1500 < (sectionTime / 1000)) // check 1.5 mille second.. #endif { PRINT("===============================================\n"); PRINT("src[%3d, %3d | %10s] -> dst[%3d, %3d | %10s]\n", src->w, src->h, srcColorFormat, dst->w, dst->h, dstColorFormat); PRINT("%20s : %5lld msec(%5.2f %%)\n", stopWatchName[i], sectionTime / 1000, ((float)sectionTime / (float)totalTime) * 100.0f); } } } #endif // CHECK_FIMGC210_PERFORMANCE //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // extern function //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// extern "C" struct FimgApi * createFimgApi() { if (fimgApiAutoFreeThread == 0) fimgApiAutoFreeThread = new FimgApiAutoFreeThread(); else fimgApiAutoFreeThread->SetOneMoreSleep(); return FimgC210::CreateInstance(); } extern "C" void destroyFimgApi(FimgApi * ptrFimgApi) { // Dont' call DestrotInstance.. // return FimgC210::DestroyInstance(ptrFimgApi); } }; // namespace android