/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * http://www.samsung.com/ * * Global header for Samsung MFC (Multi Function Codec - FIMV) driver * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Alternatively, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _SSBSIP_MFC_API_H_ #define _SSBSIP_MFC_API_H_ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Definition */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define MAX_DECODER_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE (1024 * 3072) #define MAX_ENCODER_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE (1024 * 3072) #define SUPPORT_1080P 1 #if SUPPORT_1080P #define MMAP_BUFFER_SIZE_MMAP (70*1024*1024) /* only C110 use this value. in C210, memory size is decided in menuconfig*/ #else #define MMAP_BUFFER_SIZE_MMAP (62*1024*1024) #endif #define SAMSUNG_MFC_DEV_NAME "/dev/video" #define SSBSIP_MFC_OK (1) #define SSBSIP_MFC_FAIL (0) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Structure and Type */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef enum { H264_DEC, VC1_DEC, /* VC1 advaced Profile decoding */ MPEG4_DEC, XVID_DEC, MPEG1_DEC, MPEG2_DEC, H263_DEC, VC1RCV_DEC, /* VC1 simple/main profile decoding */ FIMV1_DEC, FIMV2_DEC, FIMV3_DEC, FIMV4_DEC, H264_ENC, MPEG4_ENC, H263_ENC, UNKNOWN_TYPE } SSBSIP_MFC_CODEC_TYPE; typedef enum { DONT_CARE = 0, I_FRAME = 1, NOT_CODED = 2 } SSBSIP_MFC_FORCE_SET_FRAME_TYPE; typedef enum { NV12_LINEAR = 0, NV12_TILE } SSBSIP_MFC_INSTRM_MODE_TYPE; typedef enum { NO_CACHE = 0, CACHE = 1 } SSBIP_MFC_BUFFER_TYPE; typedef enum { MFC_DEC_SETCONF_POST_ENABLE = 1, MFC_DEC_SETCONF_EXTRA_BUFFER_NUM, MFC_DEC_SETCONF_DISPLAY_DELAY, MFC_DEC_SETCONF_IS_LAST_FRAME, MFC_DEC_SETCONF_SLICE_ENABLE, MFC_DEC_SETCONF_CRC_ENABLE, MFC_DEC_SETCONF_FIMV1_WIDTH_HEIGHT, MFC_DEC_SETCONF_FRAME_TAG, MFC_DEC_GETCONF_CRC_DATA, MFC_DEC_GETCONF_BUF_WIDTH_HEIGHT, MFC_DEC_GETCONF_CROP_INFO, MFC_DEC_GETCONF_FRAME_TAG, /* C210 specific feature */ MFC_DEC_SETCONF_IMMEDIATELY_DISPLAY, MFC_DEC_SETCONF_DPB_FLUSH, MFC_DEC_SETCONF_PIXEL_CACHE, MFC_DEC_GETCONF_WIDTH_HEIGHT } SSBSIP_MFC_DEC_CONF; typedef enum { MFC_ENC_SETCONF_FRAME_TYPE = 100, MFC_ENC_SETCONF_CHANGE_FRAME_RATE, MFC_ENC_SETCONF_CHANGE_BIT_RATE, MFC_ENC_SETCONF_FRAME_TAG, MFC_ENC_SETCONF_ALLOW_FRAME_SKIP, MFC_ENC_GETCONF_FRAME_TAG, /* C210 specific feature */ MFC_ENC_SETCONF_VUI_INFO, MFC_ENC_SETCONF_I_PERIOD, MFC_ENC_SETCONF_HIER_P } SSBSIP_MFC_ENC_CONF; typedef enum { MFC_GETOUTBUF_STATUS_NULL = 0, MFC_GETOUTBUF_DECODING_ONLY = 1, MFC_GETOUTBUF_DISPLAY_DECODING, MFC_GETOUTBUF_DISPLAY_ONLY, MFC_GETOUTBUF_DISPLAY_END, MFC_GETOUTBUF_CHANGE_RESOL } SSBSIP_MFC_DEC_OUTBUF_STATUS; typedef enum { MFC_FRAME_TYPE_NOT_CODED, MFC_FRAME_TYPE_I_FRAME, MFC_FRAME_TYPE_P_FRAME, MFC_FRAME_TYPE_B_FRAME, MFC_FRAME_TYPE_OTHERS } SSBSIP_MFC_FRAME_TYPE; typedef enum { MFC_RET_OK = 1, MFC_RET_FAIL = -1000, MFC_RET_OPEN_FAIL = -1001, MFC_RET_CLOSE_FAIL = -1002, MFC_RET_DEC_INIT_FAIL = -2000, MFC_RET_DEC_EXE_TIME_OUT = -2001, MFC_RET_DEC_EXE_ERR = -2002, MFC_RET_DEC_GET_INBUF_FAIL = -2003, MFC_RET_DEC_SET_INBUF_FAIL = -2004, MFC_RET_DEC_GET_OUTBUF_FAIL = -2005, MFC_RET_DEC_GET_CONF_FAIL = -2006, MFC_RET_DEC_SET_CONF_FAIL = -2007, MFC_RET_ENC_INIT_FAIL = -3000, MFC_RET_ENC_EXE_TIME_OUT = -3001, MFC_RET_ENC_EXE_ERR = -3002, MFC_RET_ENC_GET_INBUF_FAIL = -3003, MFC_RET_ENC_SET_INBUF_FAIL = -3004, MFC_RET_ENC_GET_OUTBUF_FAIL = -3005, MFC_RET_ENC_SET_OUTBUF_FAIL = -3006, MFC_RET_ENC_GET_CONF_FAIL = -3007, MFC_RET_ENC_SET_CONF_FAIL = -3008, MFC_RET_INVALID_PARAM = -4000 } SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE; typedef struct { void *YPhyAddr; /* [OUT] physical address of Y */ void *CPhyAddr; /* [OUT] physical address of CbCr */ void *YVirAddr; /* [OUT] virtual address of Y */ void *CVirAddr; /* [OUT] virtual address of CbCr */ int img_width; /* [OUT] width of real image */ int img_height; /* [OUT] height of real image */ int buf_width; /* [OUT] width aligned to 16 */ int buf_height; /* [OUT] height alighed to 16 */ int timestamp_top; /* [OUT] timestamp of top filed(This is used for interlaced stream) */ int timestamp_bottom; /* [OUT] timestamp of bottom filed(This is used for interlaced stream) */ int consumedByte; /* [OUT] the number of byte consumed during decoding */ int res_change; /* [OUT] whether resolution is changed or not. 0: not change, 1: increased, 2: decreased */ int crop_top_offset; /* [OUT] crop information, top_offset */ int crop_bottom_offset; /* [OUT] crop information, bottom_offset */ int crop_left_offset; /* [OUT] crop information, left_offset */ int crop_right_offset; /* [OUT] crop information, right_offset */ int disp_pic_frame_type; /* [OUT] display picture frame type information */ /* C210 UMP feature */ unsigned int y_cookie; /* [OUT] cookie for Y address */ unsigned int c_cookie; /* [OUT] cookie for CbCr address, If it is 0, Y and CbCr is in continous memory */ } SSBSIP_MFC_DEC_OUTPUT_INFO; typedef struct { void *YPhyAddr; /* [IN/OUT] physical address of Y */ void *CPhyAddr; /* [IN/OUT] physical address of CbCr */ void *YVirAddr; /* [IN/OUT] virtual address of Y */ void *CVirAddr; /* [IN/OUT] virtual address of CbCr */ int YSize; /* [IN/OUT] input size of Y data */ int CSize; /* [IN/OUT] input size of CbCr data */ /* C210 UMP feature */ unsigned int y_cookie; /* [OUT] cookie for Y address */ unsigned int c_cookie; /* [OUT] cookie for CbCr address, If it is 0, Y and CbCr is in continous memory */ } SSBSIP_MFC_ENC_INPUT_INFO; typedef struct { unsigned int dataSize; /* [OUT] encoded data size(without header) */ unsigned int headerSize; /* [OUT] encoded header size */ unsigned int frameType; /* [OUT] frame type of encoded stream */ void *StrmPhyAddr; /* [OUT] physical address of Y */ void *StrmVirAddr; /* [OUT] virtual address of Y */ void *encodedYPhyAddr; /* [OUT] physical address of Y which is flushed */ void *encodedCPhyAddr; /* [OUT] physical address of C which is flushed */ /* C210 UMP feature */ unsigned int strm_cookie; /* [OUT] cooke for stream buffer */ unsigned int y_encoded_cookie; /* [OUT] cookie for Y address */ unsigned int c_encoded_cookie; /* [OUT] cookie for CbCr address, If it is 0, Y and CbCr is in continous memory */ } SSBSIP_MFC_ENC_OUTPUT_INFO; typedef struct { /* common parameters */ SSBSIP_MFC_CODEC_TYPE codecType; /* [IN] codec type */ int SourceWidth; /* [IN] width of video to be encoded */ int SourceHeight; /* [IN] height of video to be encoded */ int IDRPeriod; /* [IN] GOP number(interval of I-frame) */ int SliceMode; /* [IN] Multi slice mode */ int RandomIntraMBRefresh; /* [IN] cyclic intra refresh */ int EnableFRMRateControl; /* [IN] frame based rate control enable */ int Bitrate; /* [IN] rate control parameter(bit rate) */ int FrameQp; /* [IN] The quantization parameter of the frame */ int FrameQp_P; /* [IN] The quantization parameter of the P frame */ int QSCodeMax; /* [IN] Maximum Quantization value */ int QSCodeMin; /* [IN] Minimum Quantization value */ int CBRPeriodRf; /* [IN] Reaction coefficient parameter for rate control */ int PadControlOn; /* [IN] Enable padding control */ int LumaPadVal; /* [IN] Luma pel value used to fill padding area */ int CbPadVal; /* [IN] CB pel value used to fill padding area */ int CrPadVal; /* [IN] CR pel value used to fill padding area */ int FrameMap; /* [IN] Encoding input mode(tile mode or linear mode) */ /* H.264 specific parameters */ int ProfileIDC; /* [IN] profile */ int LevelIDC; /* [IN] level */ int FrameQp_B; /* [IN] The quantization parameter of the B frame */ int FrameRate; /* [IN] rate control parameter(frame rate) */ int SliceArgument; /* [IN] MB number or byte number */ int NumberBFrames; /* [IN] The number of consecutive B frame inserted */ int NumberReferenceFrames; /* [IN] The number of reference pictures used */ int NumberRefForPframes; /* [IN] The number of reference pictures used for encoding P pictures */ int LoopFilterDisable; /* [IN] disable the loop filter */ int LoopFilterAlphaC0Offset; /* [IN] Alpha & C0 offset for H.264 loop filter */ int LoopFilterBetaOffset; /* [IN] Beta offset for H.264 loop filter */ int SymbolMode; /* [IN] The mode of entropy coding(CABAC, CAVLC) */ int PictureInterlace; /* [IN] Enables the interlace mode */ int Transform8x8Mode; /* [IN] Allow 8x8 transform(This is allowed only for high profile) */ int EnableMBRateControl; /* [IN] Enable macroblock-level rate control */ int DarkDisable; /* [IN] Disable adaptive rate control on dark region */ int SmoothDisable; /* [IN] Disable adaptive rate control on smooth region */ int StaticDisable; /* [IN] Disable adaptive rate control on static region */ int ActivityDisable; /* [IN] Disable adaptive rate control on high activity region */ } SSBSIP_MFC_ENC_H264_PARAM; typedef struct { /* common parameters */ SSBSIP_MFC_CODEC_TYPE codecType; /* [IN] codec type */ int SourceWidth; /* [IN] width of video to be encoded */ int SourceHeight; /* [IN] height of video to be encoded */ int IDRPeriod; /* [IN] GOP number(interval of I-frame) */ int SliceMode; /* [IN] Multi slice mode */ int RandomIntraMBRefresh; /* [IN] cyclic intra refresh */ int EnableFRMRateControl; /* [IN] frame based rate control enable */ int Bitrate; /* [IN] rate control parameter(bit rate) */ int FrameQp; /* [IN] The quantization parameter of the frame */ int FrameQp_P; /* [IN] The quantization parameter of the P frame */ int QSCodeMax; /* [IN] Maximum Quantization value */ int QSCodeMin; /* [IN] Minimum Quantization value */ int CBRPeriodRf; /* [IN] Reaction coefficient parameter for rate control */ int PadControlOn; /* [IN] Enable padding control */ int LumaPadVal; /* [IN] Luma pel value used to fill padding area */ int CbPadVal; /* [IN] CB pel value used to fill padding area */ int CrPadVal; /* [IN] CR pel value used to fill padding area */ int FrameMap; /* [IN] Encoding input mode(tile mode or linear mode) */ /* MPEG4 specific parameters */ int ProfileIDC; /* [IN] profile */ int LevelIDC; /* [IN] level */ int FrameQp_B; /* [IN] The quantization parameter of the B frame */ int TimeIncreamentRes; /* [IN] frame rate */ int VopTimeIncreament; /* [IN] frame rate */ int SliceArgument; /* [IN] MB number or byte number */ int NumberBFrames; /* [IN] The number of consecutive B frame inserted */ int DisableQpelME; /* [IN] disable quarter-pixel motion estimation */ } SSBSIP_MFC_ENC_MPEG4_PARAM; typedef struct { /* common parameters */ SSBSIP_MFC_CODEC_TYPE codecType; /* [IN] codec type */ int SourceWidth; /* [IN] width of video to be encoded */ int SourceHeight; /* [IN] height of video to be encoded */ int IDRPeriod; /* [IN] GOP number(interval of I-frame) */ int SliceMode; /* [IN] Multi slice mode */ int RandomIntraMBRefresh; /* [IN] cyclic intra refresh */ int EnableFRMRateControl; /* [IN] frame based rate control enable */ int Bitrate; /* [IN] rate control parameter(bit rate) */ int FrameQp; /* [IN] The quantization parameter of the frame */ int FrameQp_P; /* [IN] The quantization parameter of the P frame */ int QSCodeMax; /* [IN] Maximum Quantization value */ int QSCodeMin; /* [IN] Minimum Quantization value */ int CBRPeriodRf; /* [IN] Reaction coefficient parameter for rate control */ int PadControlOn; /* [IN] Enable padding control */ int LumaPadVal; /* [IN] Luma pel value used to fill padding area */ int CbPadVal; /* [IN] CB pel value used to fill padding area */ int CrPadVal; /* [IN] CR pel value used to fill padding area */ int FrameMap; /* [IN] Encoding input mode(tile mode or linear mode) */ /* H.263 specific parameters */ int FrameRate; /* [IN] rate control parameter(frame rate) */ } SSBSIP_MFC_ENC_H263_PARAM; typedef struct { int width; int height; int buf_width; int buf_height; } SSBSIP_MFC_IMG_RESOLUTION; typedef struct { int crop_top_offset; int crop_bottom_offset; int crop_left_offset; int crop_right_offset; } SSBSIP_MFC_CROP_INFORMATION; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Decoding APIs */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void *SsbSipMfcDecOpen(void); void *SsbSipMfcDecOpenExt(void *value); SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcDecInit(void *openHandle, SSBSIP_MFC_CODEC_TYPE codec_type, int Frameleng); SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcDecExe(void *openHandle, int lengthBufFill); //SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcDecExeNb(void *openHandle, int lengthBufFill); SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcDecClose(void *openHandle); void *SsbSipMfcDecGetInBuf(void *openHandle, void **phyInBuf, int inputBufferSize); //SSBSIP_MFC_DEC_OUTBUF_STATUS SsbSipMfcDecWaitForOutBuf(void *openHandle, SSBSIP_MFC_DEC_OUTPUT_INFO *output_info); #if (defined(CONFIG_VIDEO_MFC_VCM_UMP) || defined(USE_UMP)) SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcDecSetInBuf(void *openHandle, unsigned int secure_id, int size); #else SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcDecSetInBuf(void *openHandle, void *phyInBuf, void *virInBuf, int size); #endif SSBSIP_MFC_DEC_OUTBUF_STATUS SsbSipMfcDecGetOutBuf(void *openHandle, SSBSIP_MFC_DEC_OUTPUT_INFO *output_info); SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcDecSetConfig(void *openHandle, SSBSIP_MFC_DEC_CONF conf_type, void *value); SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcDecGetConfig(void *openHandle, SSBSIP_MFC_DEC_CONF conf_type, void *value); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Encoding APIs */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void *SsbSipMfcEncOpen(void); void *SsbSipMfcEncOpenExt(void *value); SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcEncInit(void *openHandle, void *param); SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcEncExe(void *openHandle); SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcEncClose(void *openHandle); SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcEncGetInBuf(void *openHandle, SSBSIP_MFC_ENC_INPUT_INFO *input_info); SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcEncSetInBuf(void *openHandle, SSBSIP_MFC_ENC_INPUT_INFO *input_info); SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcEncGetOutBuf(void *openHandle, SSBSIP_MFC_ENC_OUTPUT_INFO *output_info); SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcEncSetOutBuf(void *openHandle, void *phyOutbuf, void *virOutbuf, int outputBufferSize); SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcEncSetConfig(void *openHandle, SSBSIP_MFC_ENC_CONF conf_type, void *value); SSBSIP_MFC_ERROR_CODE SsbSipMfcEncGetConfig(void *openHandle, SSBSIP_MFC_ENC_CONF conf_type, void *value); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _SSBSIP_MFC_API_H_ */