// Weather extension for Gnome shell // ---------- // - Displays a small weather information on the top panel // - On click, gives a popup with details about the weather // ---------- /* Copyright (C) 2011 Timur Kristóf , Elad Alfassa This file is part of gnome-shell-extension-weather. gnome-shell-extension-weather is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. gnome-shell-extension-weather is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with gnome-shell-extension-weather. If not, see . */ const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Cairo = imports.cairo; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const St = imports.gi.St; const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell'); const _ = Gettext.gettext; const Json = imports.gi.Json; const Main = imports.ui.main; const PanelMenu = imports.ui.panelMenu; const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu; const Soup = imports.gi.Soup; const Util = imports.misc.util; const YAHOO_ID = 'AUXX0010'; const WEATHER_URL = 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastjson?u=c&p=' + YAHOO_ID; function WeatherMenuButton() { this._init(); } WeatherMenuButton.prototype = { __proto__: PanelMenu.Button.prototype, _init: function() { // Panel icon this._weatherIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_type: St.IconType.FULLCOLOR, icon_size: Main.panel.button.get_child().height - 4, icon_name: 'view-refresh-symbolic', style_class: 'weather-icon' + (Main.panel.actor.get_direction() == St.TextDirection.RTL ? '-rtl' : '') }); // Label this._weatherInfo = new St.Label({ text: _('...') }); // Panel menu item - the current class let menuAlignment = 0.25; if (St.Widget.get_default_direction() == St.TextDirection.RTL) menuAlignment = 1.0 - menuAlignment; PanelMenu.Button.prototype._init.call(this, menuAlignment); // Putting the panel item together let topBox = new St.BoxLayout(); topBox.add_actor(this._weatherIcon); topBox.add_actor(this._weatherInfo); this.actor.set_child(topBox); // Current weather this._currentWeather = new St.Bin(); // Future weather this._futureWeather = new St.Bin(); // Separator (copied from Gnome shell's popupMenu.js) this._separatorArea = new St.DrawingArea({ style_class: 'popup-separator-menu-item' }); this._separatorArea.width = 200; this._separatorArea.connect('repaint', Lang.bind(this, this._onSeparatorAreaRepaint)); // Putting the popup item together let mainBox = new St.BoxLayout({vertical: true}); mainBox.add_actor(this._currentWeather); mainBox.add_actor(this._separatorArea); //mainBox.add_actor(this._futureWeather); this.menu.addActor(mainBox); // Items this.showLoadingUi(); this.rebuildCurrentWeatherUi(); // Show weather this.refreshWeather(); }, get_weather_icon: function(code) { switch (parseInt(code, 10)){ case 4: return 'weather-storm'; case 5: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 39: case 40: return 'weather-showers'; case 26: return 'weather-overcast'; case 28: case 30: case 44: return 'weather-few-clouds'; case 32: case 34: case 36: return 'weather-clear'; default: return 'weather-snow'; } }, refreshWeather: function() { // Fetching current weather let weather; { var session = new Soup.SessionSync(); var message = Soup.Message.new('GET', WEATHER_URL); stat = session.send_message(message); jp = new Json.Parser(); jp.load_from_data(message.response_body.data, -1); weather = jp.get_root().get_object(); } /* weather.constructor.prototype.get_data = function(a, b) { return weather.get_object_member(a).get_strig_member(b); }; */ // Refreshing current weather let location = weather.get_object_member('location').get_string_member('city'); let comment = weather.get_object_member('condition').get_string_member('text'); let temperature = weather.get_object_member('condition').get_double_member('temperature'); let temperature_unit = weather.get_object_member('units').get_string_member('temperature'); let humidity = weather.get_object_member('atmosphere').get_string_member('humidity') + ' %'; let pressure = weather.get_object_member('atmosphere').get_double_member('pressure'); let pressure_unit = weather.get_object_member('units').get_string_member('pressure'); let wind_direction = weather.get_object_member('wind').get_string_member('direction'); let wind = weather.get_object_member('wind').get_double_member('speed'); let wind_unit = weather.get_object_member('units').get_string_member('speed'); let iconname = this.get_weather_icon(weather.get_object_member('condition').get_string_member('code')); this._currentWeatherIcon.icon_name = this._weatherIcon.icon_name = iconname; this._weatherInfo.text = (comment + ', ' + temperature + ' ' + temperature_unit); this._currentWeatherSummary.text = comment; this._currentWeatherLocation.text = location; this._currentWeatherTemperature.text = temperature + ' ' + temperature_unit; this._currentWeatherHumidity.text = humidity; this._currentWeatherPressure.text = pressure + ' ' + pressure_unit; this._currentWeatherWind.text = wind_direction + ' ' + wind + ' ' + wind_unit; // Repeatedly refresh weather here = this; Mainloop.timeout_add(1000*60*4, function() { here.refreshWeather(); }); }, destroyCurrentWeather: function() { if (this._currentWeather.get_child() != null) this._currentWeather.get_child().destroy(); }, destroyFutureWeather: function() { if (this._futureWeather.get_child() != null) this._futureWeather.get_child().destroy(); }, showLoadingUi: function() { this.destroyCurrentWeather(); this.destroyFutureWeather(); this._currentWeather.set_child(new St.Label({ text: _('Loading current weather ...') })); this._futureWeather.set_child(new St.Label({ text: _('Loading future weather ...') })); }, rebuildCurrentWeatherUi: function() { this.destroyCurrentWeather(); // This will hold the icon for the current weather this._currentWeatherIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_type: St.IconType.FULLCOLOR, icon_size: 64, icon_name: 'view-refresh-symbolic', style_class: 'weather-current-icon' }); // The summary of the current weather this._currentWeatherSummary = new St.Label({ text: 'Loading...', style_class: 'weather-current-summary' }); this._currentWeatherLocation = new St.Label({ text: _('Please wait') }); let bb = new St.BoxLayout({vertical: true, style_class: 'weather-current-summarybox'}); bb.add_actor(this._currentWeatherLocation); bb.add_actor(this._currentWeatherSummary); // Other labels this._currentWeatherTemperature = new St.Label({ text: _('Temperature') + ': ...' }); this._currentWeatherHumidity = new St.Label({ text: _('Humidity') + ': ...' }); this._currentWeatherPressure = new St.Label({ text: _('Pressure') + ': ...' }); this._currentWeatherWind = new St.Label({ text: _('Wind') + ': ...' }); let rb = new St.BoxLayout({style_class: 'weather-current-databox'}); rb_captions = new St.BoxLayout({vertical: true, style_class: 'weather-current-databox-captions'}); rb_values = new St.BoxLayout({vertical: true, style_class: 'weather-current-databox-values'}); rb.add_actor(rb_captions); rb.add_actor(rb_values); rb_captions.add_actor(new St.Label({text: _('Temperature:')})); rb_values.add_actor(this._currentWeatherTemperature); rb_captions.add_actor(new St.Label({text: _('Humidity:')})); rb_values.add_actor(this._currentWeatherHumidity); rb_captions.add_actor(new St.Label({text: _('Pressure:')})); rb_values.add_actor(this._currentWeatherPressure); rb_captions.add_actor(new St.Label({text: _('Wind:')})); rb_values.add_actor(this._currentWeatherWind); let xb = new St.BoxLayout(); xb.add_actor(bb); xb.add_actor(rb); let box = new St.BoxLayout({style_class: 'weather-current-iconbox'}); box.add_actor(this._currentWeatherIcon); box.add_actor(xb); this._currentWeather.set_child(box); }, rebuildFutureWeatherUi: function() { }, // Copied from Gnome shell's popupMenu.js _onSeparatorAreaRepaint: function(area) { let cr = area.get_context(); let themeNode = area.get_theme_node(); let [width, height] = area.get_surface_size(); let margin = themeNode.get_length('-margin-horizontal'); let gradientHeight = themeNode.get_length('-gradient-height'); let startColor = themeNode.get_color('-gradient-start'); let endColor = themeNode.get_color('-gradient-end'); let gradientWidth = (width - margin * 2); let gradientOffset = (height - gradientHeight) / 2; let pattern = new Cairo.LinearGradient(margin, gradientOffset, width - margin, gradientOffset + gradientHeight); pattern.addColorStopRGBA(0, startColor.red / 255, startColor.green / 255, startColor.blue / 255, startColor.alpha / 255); pattern.addColorStopRGBA(0.5, endColor.red / 255, endColor.green / 255, endColor.blue / 255, endColor.alpha / 255); pattern.addColorStopRGBA(1, startColor.red / 255, startColor.green / 255, startColor.blue / 255, startColor.alpha / 255); cr.setSource(pattern); cr.rectangle(margin, gradientOffset, gradientWidth, gradientHeight); cr.fill(); } }; function main() { this._weatherMenu = new WeatherMenuButton(); Main.panel._centerBox.add(this._weatherMenu.actor, { y_fill: true }); }