@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell-extension-weather');
const _ = Gettext . gettext ;
const Util = imports . misc . util ;
const Gio = imports . gi . Gio ;
const GLib = imports . gi . GLib ;
const Gtk = imports . gi . Gtk ;
const Pango = imports . gi . Pango ;
const EXTENSIONDIR = Me . dir . get _path ( ) ;
// Settings
@ -62,6 +65,7 @@ const WEATHER_USE_SYMBOLIC_ICONS_KEY = 'use-symbolic-icons'; // Weather extensi
const WEATHER _SHOW _TEXT _IN _PANEL _KEY = 'show-text-in-panel' ; // Weather extension setting
const WEATHER _POSITION _IN _PANEL _KEY = 'position-in-panel' ; // Weather extension setting
const WEATHER _SHOW _COMMENT _IN _PANEL _KEY = 'show-comment-in-panel' ; // Weather extension setting
const WEATHER _WIND _DIRECTION _KEY = 'wind-direction' ; // Weather extension setting
const WEATHER _DEBUG _EXTENSION = 'debug-extension' ; // Weather extension setting
// Init Weather class //
@ -83,9 +87,9 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
this . variation ( "text_in_panel" ) ;
this . variation ( "position_in_panel" ) ;
this . variation ( "comment_in_panel" ) ;
this . variation ( "debug" ) ; this . status ( "Initialized settings variation " ) ;
this . initWeather ( ) ; this . status ( "Initialized GWeather" ) ;
this . variation ( "clock_format " ) ;
this . variation ( "wind_direction" ) ;
this . variation ( "debug" ) ; this . status ( "Initialized GWeather" ) ;
let menuAlignment = 0.25 ;
if ( Clutter . get _default _text _direction ( ) == Clutter . TextDirection . RTL )
@ -138,28 +142,42 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
fileOutput . write ( "[" + new Date ( ) . toString ( ) + "] " + arguments [ 0 ] + "\n" , null ) ;
fileOutput . close ( null ) ;
if ( typeof this . UI != "undefined" && this . UI . menuConditions && arguments [ 0 ] )
this . UI . menuConditions . text = arguments [ 0 ] ;
if ( arguments [ 1 ] )
this . UI . menuConditions . icon _name = arguments [ 1 ] ;
return 0 ;
} ,
world : new GWeather . Location . new _world ( false ) ,
start : function ( )
{ this . status ( "Starting Weather" ) ;
this . weatherStatus ( "load" ) ;
let that = this ;
let code = this . extractCode ( this . city ) ;
this . location = this . world . find _by _station _code ( code ) ; this . status ( "Location (" + this . location . get _city _name ( ) + ") loaded" ) ;
this . info = new GWeather . Info . new ( this . location , GWeather . ForecastType . LIST ) ; this . status ( "Information loaded" ) ;
this . infoC = this . info . connect ( "updated" , function ( ) { that . refresh ( ) ; that . status ( 0 ) ; } ) ; this . status ( "Information connection started" ) ;
this . loadConfig ( ) ;
this . loadGWeatherConfig ( ) ;
this . refreshUI ( ) ; this . status ( "Weather started" ) ; this . status ( 0 ) ;
this . loadInterfaceConfig ( ) ;
this . location = this . city ;
if ( this . location )
{ this . status ( "Location (" + this . location . get _city _name ( ) + ") loaded" ) ;
this . info = new GWeather . Info ( { world : this . world ,
location : this . location ,
forecast _type : GWeather . ForecastType . LIST ,
enabled _providers : ( GWeather . Provider . METAR |
GWeather . Provider . YR _NO |
GWeather . Provider . YAHOO |
GWeather . Provider . IWIN ) } ) ; this . status ( "Information loaded" ) ;
this . infoC = this . info . connect ( "updated" , function ( ) { that . refresh ( ) ; that . status ( 0 ) ; } ) ; this . status ( "Information connection started" ) ;
this . weatherStatus ( "nolocation" ) ;
return 0 ;
this . refreshUI ( ) ;
if ( this . info )
this . info . update ( ) ; this . status ( "Weather started" ) ; this . status ( 0 ) ;
return 0 ;
} ,
@ -185,7 +203,9 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
this . GWeatherSettings . disconnect ( this . GWeatherSettingsC ) ;
this . GWeatherSettingsC = 0 ;
delete this . GWeatherSettings ; this . status ( "GWeather setting connection stopped" ) ;
} this . status ( "Stopped" ) ; this . status ( 0 ) ;
this . weatherStatus ( 0 ) ; this . status ( "Stopped" ) ; this . status ( 0 ) ;
return 0 ;
} ,
@ -196,13 +216,50 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
return 0 ;
} ,
weatherStatus : function ( )
switch ( arguments [ 0 ] )
case "nolocation" :
this . UI . menuConditions . text = _ ( 'Weather' ) ;
this . UI . menuIcon . icon _name = 'weather-clear' + this . icon _type ( ) ;
this . UI . current . set _child ( new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'No location configured' ) } ) ) ;
this . UI . forecast . hide ( ) ;
this . UI . attribution . hide ( ) ;
break ;
case "load" :
this . UI . menuConditions . text = _ ( 'Weather' ) ;
this . UI . menuIcon . icon _name = 'view-refresh' + this . icon _type ( ) ;
this . UI . current . set _child ( new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'Loading weather' ) } ) ) ;
this . UI . forecast . hide ( ) ;
this . UI . attribution . hide ( ) ;
break ;
case "error" :
this . UI . menuConditions . text = _ ( 'Weather' ) ;
this . UI . menuIcon . icon _name = 'weather-severe-alert' + this . icon _type ( ) ;
this . rebuildCurrentItem ( 0 ) ;
this . rebuildForecastItem ( 0 ) ;
this . rebuildAttributionItem ( 0 ) ;
break ;
default :
this . UI . menuConditions . text = _ ( 'Weather' ) ;
this . UI . menuIcon . icon _name = 'weather-clear' + this . icon _type ( ) ;
this . UI . current . set _child ( new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'Weather extension ready' ) } ) ) ;
this . UI . forecast . hide ( ) ;
this . UI . attribution . hide ( ) ;
return 0 ;
} ,
refresh : function ( )
{ this . status ( "Refreshing" ) ;
let that = this ;
if ( ! this . info . is _valid ( ) )
this . rebuildCurrentItem ( 0 ) ;
this . rebuildForecastItem ( 0 ) ; this . status ( "Informations is invalid" ) ;
this . weatherStatus ( "error" ) ; this . status ( "Informations is invalid" ) ;
return 0 ;
@ -221,27 +278,44 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
conditions += getConditions ( info ) ;
if ( that . comment _in _panel && that . text _in _panel )
conditions += " / " ;
conditions += ", " ;
if ( that . text _in _panel )
conditions += info . get _temp ( ) ;
conditions += that . temperature _string ( ) ;
return conditions ;
} ;
let getLocaleTime = function ( date )
date = GLib . DateTime . new _from _unix _local ( date ) ;
let localeTime = "-" ;
if ( that . clock _format == "12h" )
localeTime = date . format ( "%l:%M %p" ) ;
localeTime = date . format ( "%R" ) ;
return localeTime ;
} ;
let tempUnitVar = this . variation ( "temperature_units" ) ;
let speedUnitVar = this . variation ( "speed_units" ) ;
let distUnitVar = this . variation ( "distance_units" ) ;
let presUnitVar = this . variation ( "pressure_units" ) ;
let cityVar = this . variation ( "city" ) ;
let textInPanelVar = this . variation ( "text_in_panel" ) ;
let commentInPanelVar = this . variation ( "comment_in_panel" ) ; this . status ( "Variation readed" ) ;
let commentInPanelVar = this . variation ( "comment_in_panel" ) ;
let windDirectionVar = this . variation ( "wind_direction" ) ;
let clockFormatVar = this . variation ( "clock_format" ) ; this . status ( "Variation readed" ) ;
let first = false ;
if ( typeof this . build == "undefined" )
first = true ; this . status ( "First build" ) ;
this . build = this . info . get _update ( ) ;
this . build = that . info . get _update ( ) ;
this . variation ( "build" ) ;
@ -256,29 +330,31 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
if ( fuc )
this . forecast = this . info . get _forecast _li st( ) ; this . status ( this . forecast . length + " forecast" ) ;
this . forecast = this . loadForeca st( ) ; this . status ( this . forecast . length + " forecast" ) ;
this . rebuildCurrentItem ( 1 ) ;
this . rebuildForecastItem ( this . forecast . length ) ;
this . rebuildAttributionItem ( this . info . get _attribution ( ) ) ;
this . UI . menuIcon . icon _name = this . UI . currentIcon . icon _name = this . icon _type ( this . info . get _icon _name ( ) ) ;
this . UI . currentSunrise . text = this . info . get _sunrise ( ) ;
this . UI . currentSunset . text = this . info . get _sunset ( ) ;
this . UI . currentBuild . text = this . build ;
this . UI . currentLocation . text = this . location . get _city _name ( ) ;
this . UI . currentSunrise . text = getLocaleTime ( this . info . get _value _ sunrise ( ) [ 1 ] ) ;
this . UI . currentSunset . text = getLocaleTime ( this . info . get _value _ sunset ( ) [ 1 ] ) ;
this . UI . currentBuild . text = getLocaleTime ( this . info . get _value _update ( ) [ 1 ] ) ;
this . UI . currentLocation . text = this . location . get _city _name ( ) + ", " + getConditions ( this . info ) ;
this . UI . currentHumidity . text = this . info . get _humidity ( ) ; this . status ( "Basics informations " + di _up ) ;
if ( fuc || tempUnitVar )
this . UI . currentSummary . text = getConditions ( this . info ) + " / " + this . info . get _temp ( ) ;
this . UI . currentSummary . text = this . temperature _string ( ) ;
this . UI . currentLocation . text = this . location . get _city _name ( ) + ", " + getConditions ( this . info ) ;
this . UI . menuConditions . text = getMenuConditions ( this . info ) ;
this . UI . currentTemperature . text = this . info . get _apparent ( ) ;
this . UI . currentDew . text = this . info . get _dew ( ) ; this . status ( "Temperatures informations " + di _up ) ;
this . UI . currentTemperature . text = this . temperature _string ( this . info . get _value _ apparent ( this . temperature _units ) [ 1 ] ) ;
this . status ( "Temperatures informations " + di _up ) ;
if ( fuc || speedUnitVar )
if ( fuc || speedUnitVar || windDirectionVar )
this . UI . currentWind . text = _ ( 'Wind:' ) + ' ' + this . info . get _wind ( ) ; this . status ( "Wind information " + di _up ) ;
this . UI . currentWind . text = this . wind _string ( ) ; this . status ( "Wind information " + di _up ) ;
if ( fuc || distUnitVar )
@ -296,28 +372,176 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
this . UI . menuConditions . text = getMenuConditions ( this . info ) ; this . status ( "Panel information " + di _up ) ;
if ( clockFormatVar )
this . UI . currentSunrise . text = getLocaleTime ( this . info . get _value _sunrise ( ) [ 1 ] ) ;
this . UI . currentSunset . text = getLocaleTime ( this . info . get _value _sunset ( ) [ 1 ] ) ;
this . UI . currentBuild . text = getLocaleTime ( this . info . get _value _update ( ) [ 1 ] )
for ( let i in this . forecast )
if ( fuc )
this . UI . forecastItems [ i ] . icon . icon _name = this . icon _type ( this . forecast [ i ] . get _icon _name ( ) ) ;
this . UI . forecastItems [ i ] . day . text = this . forecast [ i ] . get _update ( ) ; this . status ( "Basics forecast (" + i + ") informations " + di _up ) ;
this . UI . forecastItems [ i ] . icon . icon _name = this . icon _type ( this . forecast [ i ] . icon ) ;
this . UI . forecastItems [ i ] . day . text = this . forecast [ i ] . dayText ; this . status ( "Basics forecast (" + i + ") informations " + di _up ) ;
if ( fuc || tempUnitVar )
this . UI . forecastItems [ i ] . summary . text = getConditions ( this . forecast [ i ] ) + " / " + this . forecast [ i ] . get _temp ( ) ;
this . UI . forecastItems [ i ] . temp _min . text = "\u2193 " + this . forecast [ i ] . get _temp _min ( ) ;
this . UI . forecastItems [ i ] . temp _max . text = "\u2191 " + this . forecast [ i ] . get _temp _max ( ) ; this . status ( "Temperatures forecast (" + i + ") informations " + di _up ) ;
this . UI . forecastItems [ i ] . temp _min . text = "\u2193 " + this . temperature _string ( this . forecast [ i ] . minTemp ) ;
this . UI . forecastItems [ i ] . temp _max . text = "\u2191 " + this . temperature _string ( this . forecast [ i ] . maxTemp ) ;
this . status ( "Temperatures forecast (" + i + ") informations " + di _up ) ;
} this . status ( "Refreshed" ) ;
return 0 ;
} ,
initWeather : function ( )
this . world = new GWeather . Location . new _world ( false ) ;
return 0 ;
loadForecast : function ( )
{ this . status ( "Load forecast object" ) ;
let forecast = [ ] ;
let day = 0 ;
let hour = 0 ;
let unit = this . temperature _units ;
let initialTemp = 0 ;
let actualDate = GLib . DateTime . new _now _local ( ) ;
let oldDate = { } ;
let nowDate = { } ;
let forecastList = this . info . get _forecast _list ( ) ; this . status ( "Forecast list loaded (" + forecastList . length + ")" ) ;
oldDate = GLib . DateTime . new _from _unix _local ( forecastList [ 0 ] . get _value _update ( ) [ 1 ] ) ;
for ( let i in forecastList )
nowDate = GLib . DateTime . new _from _unix _local ( forecastList [ i ] . get _value _update ( ) [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( forecastList [ i - 1 ] != "undefined" && ( oldDate . get _day _of _month ( ) < nowDate . get _day _of _month ( ) ||
oldDate . get _month ( ) < nowDate . get _month ( ) ||
oldDate . get _year ( ) < nowDate . get _year ( ) ) )
{ this . status ( "+1 day" ) ;
day ++ ;
this . status ( "Forecast " + i + " (Day : " + day + ") :" ) ;
if ( typeof forecast [ day ] == "undefined" )
{ this . status ( "Init new day (" + day + ")" ) ;
initialTemp = forecastList [ i ] . get _value _temp ( unit ) [ 1 ] ; this . status ( "Initial temperature : " + initialTemp ) ;
forecast [ day ] = { hour : [ ] } ;
forecast [ day ] . minTemp = initialTemp ;
forecast [ day ] . maxTemp = initialTemp ;
forecast [ day ] . icon = "" ;
forecast [ day ] . dayText = "" ;
this . status ( "Searching day name :" ) ;
if ( actualDate . get _day _of _month ( ) == nowDate . get _day _of _month ( ) &&
actualDate . get _month ( ) == nowDate . get _month ( ) &&
actualDate . get _year ( ) == nowDate . get _year ( ) )
forecast [ day ] . dayText = _ ( "Today" ) ; this . status ( "This day is today" ) ;
else if ( actualDate . add _days ( 1 ) . get _day _of _month ( ) == nowDate . get _day _of _month ( ) &&
actualDate . get _month ( ) == nowDate . get _month ( ) &&
actualDate . get _year ( ) == nowDate . get _year ( ) )
forecast [ day ] . dayText = _ ( "Tomorrow" ) ; this . status ( "This day is tomorrow" ) ;
else if ( actualDate . add _days ( - 1 ) . get _day _of _month ( ) == nowDate . get _day _of _month ( ) &&
actualDate . get _month ( ) == nowDate . get _month ( ) &&
actualDate . get _year ( ) == nowDate . get _year ( ) )
forecast [ day ] . dayText = _ ( "Yesterday" ) ; this . status ( "This day is yesterday" ) ;
else if ( actualDate . add _days ( 6 ) . get _day _of _month ( ) >= nowDate . get _day _of _month ( ) &&
actualDate . get _day _of _month ( ) <= nowDate . get _day _of _month ( ) &&
actualDate . get _month ( ) == nowDate . get _month ( ) &&
actualDate . get _year ( ) == nowDate . get _year ( ) )
let dow = nowDate . format ( "%A" ) ;
dow = dow . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + dow . slice ( 1 ) ;
forecast [ day ] . dayText = dow ; this . status ( "This day is " + dow ) ;
let dow = nowDate . format ( "%a, %x" ) ;
dow = dow . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + dow . slice ( 1 ) ;
forecast [ day ] . dayText = dow ; this . status ( "This day is " + dow ) ;
} this . status ( "Forecast " + i + " inited" ) ;
hour = nowDate . get _hour ( ) ;
forecast [ day ] . hour [ hour ] = forecastList [ i ] ; this . status ( "Forecast for " + forecast [ day ] . dayText + " at " + hour ) ;
let temp = forecastList [ i ] . get _value _temp ( unit ) [ 1 ] ; this . status ( "Temp : " + temp ) ;
if ( temp <= forecast [ day ] . minTemp )
forecast [ day ] . minTemp = temp ;
if ( temp >= forecast [ day ] . maxTemp )
forecast [ day ] . maxTemp = temp ;
oldDate = nowDate ;
for ( let i in forecast )
let div = [ [ ] , [ ] , [ ] , [ ] ] ;
for ( let x in forecast [ i ] . hour )
if ( x >= 0 && x < 6 )
div [ 0 ] [ x ] = forecast [ i ] . hour [ x ] ;
else if ( x >= 6 && x < 12 )
div [ 1 ] [ x ] = forecast [ i ] . hour [ x ] ;
else if ( x >= 12 && x < 18 )
div [ 2 ] [ x ] = forecast [ i ] . hour [ x ] ;
else if ( x >= 18 && x <= 23 )
div [ 3 ] [ x ] = forecast [ i ] . hour [ x ] ;
let div _length = function ( div )
let divLength = 0 ;
for ( let i in div )
divLength ++ ;
return divLength ;
let getIconName = function ( div )
let middle = Math . floor ( div _length ( div ) / 2 ) ;
let i = 0 ;
for ( let hour in div )
if ( i == middle )
return div [ hour ] . get _icon _name ( ) ;
i ++
return "" ;
} ;
if ( div _length ( div [ 2 ] ) )
{ this . status ( i + ", Afternoon" ) ;
forecast [ i ] . icon = getIconName ( div [ 2 ] ) ; this . status ( "Loaded " + forecast [ i ] . icon + " icon" ) ;
else if ( div _length ( div [ 1 ] ) )
{ this . status ( i + ", Morning" ) ;
forecast [ i ] . icon = getIconName ( div [ 1 ] ) ; this . status ( "Loaded " + forecast [ i ] . icon + " icon" ) ;
else if ( div _length ( div [ 3 ] ) )
{ this . status ( i + ", Evening" ) ;
forecast [ i ] . icon = getIconName ( div [ 3 ] ) ; this . status ( "Loaded " + forecast [ i ] . icon + " icon" ) ;
else if ( div _length ( div [ 0 ] ) )
{ this . status ( i + ", Night" ) ;
forecast [ i ] . icon = getIconName ( div [ 0 ] ) ; this . status ( "Loaded " + forecast [ i ] . icon + " icon" ) ;
return forecast ;
} ,
initUI : function ( )
@ -329,7 +553,7 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
// Panel icon
this . UI . menuIcon = new St . Icon (
icon _name : 'view-refresh ' + this . icon _type ( ) ,
icon _name : 'weather-clear ' + this . icon _type ( ) ,
style _class : 'system-status-icon weather-icon' +
( Main . panel . actor . get _text _direction ( ) == Clutter . TextDirection . RTL ? '-rtl' : '' )
} ) ; this . status ( "UI.menuIcon created" ) ;
@ -367,7 +591,8 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
Main . panel . menuManager . addMenu ( this . menu ) ; this . status ( "menu added to menu manager (panel)" ) ;
this . UI . current = new St . Bin ( { style _class : 'current' } ) ; this . status ( "UI.current created" ) ;
this . UI . forecast = new St . Bin ( { style _class : 'forecast' } ) ; this . status ( "UI.forecast created" ) ;
this . UI . forecast = new St . Bin ( { style _class : 'forecast' } ) ; this . status ( "UI.forecast created" ) ;
this . UI . attribution = new St . Bin ( { style _class : 'attribution' } ) ; this . status ( "UI.attribution created" ) ;
this . menu . addActor ( this . UI . current ) ; this . status ( "UI.current added to menu" ) ;
let item ;
@ -380,22 +605,36 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
item = new PopupMenu . PopupSeparatorMenuItem ( ) ;
this . menu . addMenuItem ( item ) ; this . status ( "Added separator" ) ;
this . menu . addActor ( this . UI . attribution ) ; this . status ( "UI.attribution added to menu" ) ;
this . UI . attribution . hide ( ) ;
item = new PopupMenu . PopupSeparatorMenuItem ( ) ;
this . menu . addMenuItem ( item ) ; this . status ( "Added separator" ) ;
this . UI . locationSelector = new PopupMenu . PopupSubMenuMenuItem ( _ ( "Locations" ) ) ; this . status ( "UI.locationSelector created" ) ;
this . menu . addMenuItem ( this . UI . locationSelector ) ; this . status ( "UI.locationSelector added to menu" ) ;
this . rebuildLocationSelectorItem ( ) ; this . status ( "Location selector builded" ) ;
this . UI . reloadButton = new PopupMenu . PopupMenuItem ( _ ( "Reload Weather Information" ) ) ;
this . UI . reloadButton . connect ( 'activate' , Lang . bind ( this , function ( ) { this . info . update ( ) ; } ) ) ;
this . menu . addMenuItem ( this . UI . reloadButton ) ;
this . UI . reloadButton . actor . hide ( ) ;
item = new PopupMenu . PopupMenuItem ( _ ( "Weather Settings" ) ) ;
item . connect ( 'activate' , Lang . bind ( this , this . onPreferencesActivate ) ) ;
this . menu . addMenuItem ( item ) ; this . status ( "Preference button added to menu" ) ;
this . rebuildCurrentItem ( 0 ) ;
this . rebuildForecastItem ( 0 ) ; this . status ( "UI initialized" ) ;
this . weatherStatus ( 0 ) ; this . status ( "UI initialized" ) ;
return 0 ;
} ,
refreshUI : function ( )
{ this . status ( "Refresh UI" ) ;
let oldPosition = this . past . position _in _panel ;
if ( this . info )
this . UI . reloadButton . actor . show ( ) ;
this . UI . reloadButton . actor . hide ( ) ;
let oldPosition = this . past . position _in _panel ;
if ( this . variation ( "position_in_panel" ) )
@ -435,7 +674,7 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
if ( this . variation ( "symbolic_icon" ) )
this . UI . menuConditions . icon _name = this . icon _type ( this . UI . menuConditions . icon _name ) ; this . status ( "Rebuilded menu icon" ) ;
this . UI . menuIcon . icon _name = this . icon _type ( this . UI . menuIcon . icon _name ) ; this . status ( "Rebuilded menu icon" ) ;
if ( typeof this . UI . currentIcon != "undefined" )
@ -474,15 +713,12 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
let item = null ;
let cities = this . cities ;
cities = cities . split ( " && " ) ;
if ( cities && typeof cities == "string" )
cities = [ cities ] ;
if ( ! cities [ 0 ] )
return 0 ;
for ( let i = 0 ; cities . length > i ; i ++ )
item = new PopupMenu . PopupMenuItem ( this . extractLocation ( cities [ i ] ) ) ;
item = new PopupMenu . PopupMenuItem ( cities [ i ] . get _city _name ( ) ) ;
item . location = i ;
if ( i == this . actual _city )
@ -496,7 +732,7 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
} ) ;
if ( cities . length = = 1 )
if ( cities . length < = 1 )
this . UI . locationSelector . actor . hide ( ) ;
this . UI . locationSelector . actor . show ( ) ;
@ -518,6 +754,29 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
return 0 ;
} ,
destroyAttribution : function ( )
if ( this . UI . attribution . get _child ( ) != null )
this . UI . attribution . get _child ( ) . destroy ( ) ;
return 0 ;
} ,
rebuildAttributionItem : function ( text )
this . destroyAttribution ( ) ;
text = String ( text ) . replace ( /(<([^>]+)>)/ig , "" ) ;
if ( text == "null" || text == 0 )
text = "" ;
this . UI . attribution . set _child ( new St . Label ( { text : text } ) ) ;
if ( text . length )
this . UI . attribution . show ( ) ;
this . UI . attribution . hide ( ) ;
} ,
rebuildCurrentItem : function ( n )
if ( ! n )
@ -531,6 +790,8 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
this . destroyCurrent ( ) ;
this . UI . current . show ( ) ;
// This will hold the icon for the current weather
this . UI . currentIcon = new St . Icon ( {
icon _size : 72 ,
@ -556,23 +817,20 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
style _class : 'weather-build-icon'
} ) ;
this . UI . currentLocation = new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'Please wait' ) } ) ;
this . UI . currentLocation = new St . Label ( { text : '-' } ) ;
// The summary of the current weather
this . UI . currentSummary = new St . Label ( {
text : _ ( 'Loading ...' ) ,
text : '-' ,
style _class : 'weather-current-summary'
} ) ;
this . UI . currentWind = new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'Wind:' ) + ' -' } ) ;
let bb = new St . BoxLayout ( {
vertical : true ,
style _class : 'weather-current-summarybox'
} ) ;
bb . add _actor ( this . UI . currentLocation ) ;
bb . add _actor ( this . UI . currentSummary ) ;
bb . add _actor ( this . UI . currentWind ) ;
this . UI . currentSunrise = new St . Label ( { text : '-' } ) ;
this . UI . currentSunset = new St . Label ( { text : '-' } ) ;
@ -592,10 +850,10 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
// Other labels
this . UI . currentTemperature = new St . Label ( { text : '-' } ) ;
this . UI . currentDew = new St . Label ( { text : '-' } ) ;
this . UI . currentVisibility = new St . Label ( { text : '-' } ) ;
this . UI . currentHumidity = new St . Label ( { text : '-' } ) ;
this . UI . currentPressure = new St . Label ( { text : '-' } ) ;
this . UI . currentWind = new St . Label ( { text : '-' } ) ;
let rb = new St . BoxLayout ( {
style _class : 'weather-current-databox'
@ -611,16 +869,16 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
rb . add _actor ( rb _captions ) ;
rb . add _actor ( rb _values ) ;
rb _captions . add _actor ( new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'Feels like: ' ) } ) ) ;
rb _captions . add _actor ( new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'Feels like' ) } ) ) ;
rb _values . add _actor ( this . UI . currentTemperature ) ;
rb _captions . add _actor ( new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'Dew:' ) } ) ) ;
rb _values . add _actor ( this . UI . currentDew ) ;
rb _captions . add _actor ( new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'Visibility:' ) } ) ) ;
rb _captions . add _actor ( new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'Visibility' ) } ) ) ;
rb _values . add _actor ( this . UI . currentVisibility ) ;
rb _captions . add _actor ( new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'Humidity: ' ) } ) ) ;
rb _captions . add _actor ( new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'Humidity' ) } ) ) ;
rb _values . add _actor ( this . UI . currentHumidity ) ;
rb _captions . add _actor ( new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'Pressure: ' ) } ) ) ;
rb _captions . add _actor ( new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'Pressure' ) } ) ) ;
rb _values . add _actor ( this . UI . currentPressure ) ;
rb _captions . add _actor ( new St . Label ( { text : _ ( 'Wind' ) } ) ) ;
rb _values . add _actor ( this . UI . currentWind ) ;
let xb = new St . BoxLayout ( ) ;
xb . add _actor ( bb ) ;
@ -645,8 +903,18 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
this . destroyForecast ( ) ;
this . UI . forecast . show ( ) ;
this . UI . forecastItems = [ ] ;
this . UI . forecastBox = new St . BoxLayout ( { style _class : 'weather-forecasts' , vertical : true } ) ;
this . UI . forecastBox = new St . ScrollView ( { style _class : 'weather-forecasts' } ) ;
this . UI . forecastBox . hscroll . margin _right = 25 ;
this . UI . forecastBox . hscroll . margin _left = 25 ;
this . UI . forecastBox . hscroll . margin _top = 10 ;
this . UI . forecastBox . hscroll . hide ( ) ;
this . UI . forecastBox . vscrollbar _policy = Gtk . PolicyType . NEVER ;
this . UI . forecastBox . hscrollbar _policy = Gtk . PolicyType . AUTOMATIC ;
this . UI . forecast . set _child ( this . UI . forecastBox ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ )
@ -688,77 +956,40 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
forecastWeather . day = new St . Label ( {
style _class : 'weather-forecast-day'
} ) ;
forecastWeather . summary = new St . Label ( {
style _class : 'weather-forecast-summary'
} ) ;
let daysum = new St . BoxLayout ( {
let daybox = new St . BoxLayout ( {
vertical : true ,
style _class : 'weather-forecast-daysum '
style _class : 'weather-forecast-daybox '
} ) ;
daysum . add _actor ( forecastWeather . day ) ;
daysum . add _actor ( forecastWeather . summary ) ;
let daysumbox = new St . Bin ( {
style _class : 'weather-forecast-daysum-box'
} ) ;
daysumbox . set _child ( daysum ) ;
daybox . add _actor ( forecastWeather . day ) ;
let bb = new St . BoxLayout ( {
vertical : true ,
style _class : 'weather-forecast-box'
} ) ;
bb . add _actor ( iconminmaxbox ) ;
bb . add _actor ( daysum box ) ;
bb . add _actor ( daybox ) ;
forecastWeather . box = bb ;
this . UI . forecastItems [ i ] = forecastWeather ;
let column = Math . ceil ( n / 4 ) ;
let f = 0 ;
let topPadding = "" ;
if ( n >= 0 )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < column ; i ++ )
let box = new St . Bin ( { style _class : topPadding } ) ;
let box = new St . Bin ( ) ;
let columnBox = new St . BoxLayout ( ) ;
box . set _child ( columnBox ) ;
for ( let j = 0 ; this . UI . forecastItems [ f ] ; j ++ )
for ( let j = 0 ; this . UI . forecastItems [ j ] ; j ++ )
if ( j >= 4 )
break ;
this . status ( "Adding forecast to column " + i + ", line " + j ) ;
columnBox . add _actor ( this . UI . forecastItems [ f ] . box ) ;
f ++ ;
if ( j > 2 )
this . UI . forecastBox . hscroll . show ( ) ;
columnBox . add _actor ( this . UI . forecastItems [ j ] . box ) ;
this . UI . forecastBox . add _actor ( box ) ;
topPadding = "weather-forecast-box-addTopPadding" ;
return 0 ;
} ,
extractLocation : function ( )
if ( ! arguments [ 0 ] )
return "" ;
if ( arguments [ 0 ] . search ( ">" ) == - 1 )
return _ ( "Invalid city" ) ;
return arguments [ 0 ] . split ( ">" ) [ 1 ] ;
} ,
extractCode : function ( )
if ( ! arguments [ 0 ] )
return 0 ;
if ( arguments [ 0 ] . search ( ">" ) == - 1 )
return 0 ;
return arguments [ 0 ] . split ( ">" ) [ 0 ] ;
let cont = new St . BoxLayout ( ) ;
cont . add _actor ( box ) ;
this . UI . forecastBox . add _actor ( cont ) ;
return 0 ;
} ,
icon _type : function ( icon _name )
@ -769,6 +1000,11 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
return "" ;
if ( String ( icon _name ) . search ( "weather-clear-night" ) != - 1 && this . symbolic _icon )
icon _name = "weather-clear-night" ;
else if ( String ( icon _name ) . search ( "weather-few-clouds-night" ) != - 1 && this . symbolic _icon )
icon _name = "weather-few-clouds-night" ;
if ( this . symbolic _icon )
if ( String ( icon _name ) . search ( "-symbolic" ) != - 1 )
return icon _name ;
@ -787,6 +1023,90 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
return 0 ;
} ,
temperature _string : function ( a )
let unit = this . temperature _units ;
let temp = a ;
if ( ! a )
temp = this . info . get _value _temp ( unit ) [ 1 ] ;
temp = parseFloat ( Math . round ( temp * 10 ) / 10 ) . toLocaleString ( ) ;
switch ( unit )
case GWeather . TemperatureUnit . FAHRENHEIT :
return _ ( "%s °F" ) . replace ( "%s" , temp ) ;
break ;
case GWeather . TemperatureUnit . CENTIGRADE :
return _ ( "%s °C" ) . replace ( "%s" , temp ) ;
break ;
case GWeather . TemperatureUnit . KELVIN :
return _ ( "%s K" ) . replace ( "%s" , temp ) ;
break ;
case GWeather . TemperatureUnit . INVALID :
case GWeather . TemperatureUnit . DEFAULT :
default :
return _ ( "Unknown" ) ;
return 0 ;
} ,
wind _string : function ( a )
let that = this ;
let unit = this . speed _units ;
let wind = a ;
if ( ! a )
wind = [ this . info . get _value _wind ( unit ) [ 1 ] , this . info . get _value _wind ( unit ) [ 2 ] ] ;
let v = parseFloat ( Math . round ( wind [ 0 ] * 10 ) / 10 ) . toLocaleString ( ) ;
let d = wind [ 1 ] ;
let get _wind _direction = function ( d )
let arrows = [ '' , _ ( 'VAR' ) + ' ' , "\u2193 " , "\u2199 " , "\u2199 " , "\u2199 " , "\u2190 " , "\u2196 " , "\u2196 " , "\u2196 " ,
"\u2191 " , "\u2197 " , "\u2197 " , "\u2197 " , "\u2192 " , "\u2198 " , "\u2198 " , "\u2198 " , ( '-' ) + ' ' ] ;
let letters = [ '' , _ ( 'VAR' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'N' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'NNE' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'NE' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'ENE' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'E' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'ESE' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'SE' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'SSE' ) + ' ' ,
_ ( 'S' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'SSW' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'SW' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'WSW' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'W' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'WNW' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'NW' ) + ' ' , _ ( 'NNW' ) + ' ' , ( '-' ) + ' ' ] ;
return ( that . wind _direction ) ? arrows [ d ] : letters [ d ] ;
} ;
let direction = get _wind _direction ( d + 1 ) ;
switch ( unit )
case GWeather . SpeedUnit . KNOTS :
return _ ( "$d$s knots" ) . replace ( "$d" , direction ) . replace ( "$s" , v ) ;
break ;
case GWeather . SpeedUnit . MPH :
return _ ( "$d$s mph" ) . replace ( "$d" , direction ) . replace ( "$s" , v ) ;
break ;
case GWeather . SpeedUnit . KPH :
return _ ( "$d$s km/h" ) . replace ( "$d" , direction ) . replace ( "$s" , v ) ;
break ;
case GWeather . SpeedUnit . MS :
return _ ( "$d$s m/s" ) . replace ( "$d" , direction ) . replace ( "$s" , v ) ;
break ;
case GWeather . SpeedUnit . BFT :
return _ ( "$dBeaufort $s" ) . replace ( "$d" , direction ) . replace ( "$s" , v ) ;
break ;
case GWeather . SpeedUnit . INVALID :
case GWeather . SpeedUnit . DEFAULT :
default :
return _ ( "Unknown" ) ;
return 0 ;
} ,
loadConfig : function ( )
let that = this ;
@ -803,19 +1123,25 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
return 0 ;
} ,
loadInterfaceConfig : function ( )
let that = this ;
this . InterfaceSettings = Convenience . getSettings ( "org.gnome.desktop.interface" ) ;
this . InterfaceSettingsC = this . InterfaceSettings . connect ( "changed" , function ( ) { that . status ( "**** INTERFACE SETTING CHANGED ****" ) ; that . settingsChanged ( ) ; } ) ;
} ,
settingsChanged : function ( )
if ( this . variation ( "cities" , true ) || this . variation ( "symbolic_icon" , true ) || this . variation ( "position_in_panel" , true ) )
this . refreshUI ( ) ;
if ( this . variation ( "temperature_units" , true ) || this . variation ( "speed_units" , true ) || this . variation ( "distance_units" , true )
|| this . variation ( "pressure_units" , true ) || this . variation ( "text_in_panel" , true ) || this . variation ( "comment_in_panel" , true ) )
if ( this . variation ( "clock_format" , true ) || this . variation ( "temperature_units" , true ) || this . variation ( "speed_units" , true )
|| this . variation ( "distance_units" , true ) || this . variation ( "pressure_units" , true ) || this . variation ( "text_in_panel" , true )
|| this . variation ( "comment_in_panel" , true ) || this . variation ( "wind_direction" , true ) )
this . refresh ( ) ;
let oldCode = String ( this . location . get _code ( ) ) ;
let newCode = String ( this . extractCode ( this . city ) ) ;
if ( newCode != oldCode )
{ this . status ( "Location has changed (" + oldCode + " => " + newCode + ")" ) ;
if ( this . variation ( "city" , true ) )
{ this . status ( "Location has changed" ) ;
this . restart ( ) ; this . status ( "Location changed to " + this . location . get _city _name ( ) ) ;
return 0 ;
@ -828,6 +1154,13 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
return 0 ;
} ,
get clock _format ( )
if ( ! this . InterfaceSettings )
this . loadInterfaceConfig ( ) ;
return this . InterfaceSettings . get _string ( "clock-format" ) ;
} ,
get temperature _units ( )
if ( ! this . GWeatherSettings )
@ -858,6 +1191,20 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
return 0 ;
} ,
get wind _direction ( )
if ( ! this . settings )
this . loadConfig ( ) ;
return this . settings . get _boolean ( WEATHER _WIND _DIRECTION _KEY ) ;
} ,
set wind _direction ( v )
if ( ! this . settings )
this . loadConfig ( ) ;
return this . settings . set _boolean ( WEATHER _WIND _DIRECTION _KEY , v ) ;
} ,
get distance _units ( )
if ( ! this . GWeatherSettings )
@ -892,14 +1239,21 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
if ( ! this . settings )
this . loadConfig ( ) ;
return this . settings . get _string ( WEATHER _CITY _KEY ) ;
let cities = this . settings . get _value ( WEATHER _CITY _KEY ) ;
cities = cities . deep _unpack ( ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < cities . length ; i ++ )
cities [ i ] = this . world . deserialize ( cities [ i ] ) ;
return cities ;
} ,
set cities ( v )
if ( ! this . settings )
this . loadConfig ( ) ;
this . settings . set _string ( WEATHER _CITY _KEY , v ) ;
let cities = v ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < cities . length ; i ++ )
cities [ i ] = cities [ i ] . serialize ( ) ;
this . settings . set _value ( WEATHER _CITY _KEY , new GLib . Variant ( 'av' , cities ) ) ;
return 0 ;
} ,
@ -907,14 +1261,10 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
if ( ! this . settings )
this . loadConfig ( ) ;
var a = this . settings . get _int ( WEATHER _ACTUAL _CITY _KEY ) ;
var b = a ;
var cities = this . cities . split ( " && " ) ;
if ( typeof cities != "object" )
cities = [ cities ] ;
let a = this . settings . get _int ( WEATHER _ACTUAL _CITY _KEY ) ;
let cities = this . cities ;
var l = cities . length - 1 ;
let l = cities . length - 1 ;
if ( a < 0 )
a = 0 ;
@ -932,12 +1282,9 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
if ( ! this . settings )
this . loadConfig ( ) ;
var cities = this . cities . split ( " && " ) ;
if ( typeof cities != "object" )
cities = [ cities ] ;
let cities = this . cities ;
var l = cities . length - 1 ;
let l = cities . length - 1 ;
if ( a < 0 )
a = 0 ;
@ -955,27 +1302,14 @@ const WEATHER_DEBUG_EXTENSION = 'debug-extension'; // Weather extension settin
get city ( )
let cities = this . cities ;
let cities = cities . split ( " && " ) ;
if ( cities && typeof cities == "string" )
cities = [ cities ] ;
if ( ! cities [ 0 ] )
return "" ;
cities = cities [ this . actual _city ] ;
return cities ;
let city = cities [ this . actual _city ] ;
return city ;
} ,
set city ( v )
let cities = this . cities ;
cities = cities . split ( " && " ) ;
if ( cities && typeof cities == "string" )
cities = [ cities ] ;
if ( ! cities [ 0 ] )
cities = [ ] ;
cities . splice ( this . actual _city , 1 , v ) ;
cities = cities . join ( " && " ) ;
if ( typeof cities != "string" )
cities = cities [ 0 ] ;
this . cities = cities ;
return 0 ;
} ,