"description":"Weather extension to display weather information from https://openweathermap.org/ or https://darksky.net for almost all locations in the world.\nFor openweathermap.org, you can either use the extensions default-key or register at http://openweathermap.org/appid and set the appropriate switch in the preferences dialog to \"off\".\nFor darksky.net you have to register at https://darksky.net/dev/register and get a personal API-key.\n\nSince version 29 this extensions uses coordinates to store the locations and makes the names editable to support multiple weather-providers!\nIf you update from versions prior to 29 to 29 or greater (with darksky.net - support) you have to recreate your locations.",
"description":"Weather extension to display weather information from https://openweathermap.org/ or https://darksky.net for almost all locations in the world.\nFor openweathermap.org, you can either use the extensions default-key or register at http://openweathermap.org/appid and set the appropriate switch in the preferences dialog to \"off\".\nFor Dark Sky you have to register at https://darksky.net/dev/register and get a personal API-key.\n\nSince version 29 this extensions uses coordinates to store the locations and makes the names editable to support multiple weather-providers!\nIf you update from versions prior to 29 to 29 or greater (with darksky.net - support) you have to recreate your locations.",