/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "DeviceHAL" #include "core/default/Device.h" #include "common/all-versions/default/EffectMap.h" #include "core/default/StreamIn.h" #include "core/default/StreamOut.h" #include "core/default/Util.h" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { namespace hardware { namespace audio { namespace CPP_VERSION { namespace implementation { using ::android::hardware::audio::common::COMMON_TYPES_CPP_VERSION::implementation::HidlUtils; namespace util { using namespace ::android::hardware::audio::CORE_TYPES_CPP_VERSION::implementation::util; } Device::Device(audio_hw_device_t* device) : mIsClosed(false), mDevice(device) {} Device::~Device() { (void)doClose(); mDevice = nullptr; } Result Device::analyzeStatus(const char* funcName, int status, const std::vector& ignoreErrors) { return util::analyzeStatus("Device", funcName, status, ignoreErrors); } void Device::closeInputStream(audio_stream_in_t* stream) { mDevice->close_input_stream(mDevice, stream); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mOpenedStreamsCount == 0, "mOpenedStreamsCount is already 0"); --mOpenedStreamsCount; } void Device::closeOutputStream(audio_stream_out_t* stream) { mDevice->close_output_stream(mDevice, stream); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mOpenedStreamsCount == 0, "mOpenedStreamsCount is already 0"); --mOpenedStreamsCount; } char* Device::halGetParameters(const char* keys) { return mDevice->get_parameters(mDevice, keys); } int Device::halSetParameters(const char* keysAndValues) { return mDevice->set_parameters(mDevice, keysAndValues); } // Methods from ::android::hardware::audio::CPP_VERSION::IDevice follow. Return Device::initCheck() { return analyzeStatus("init_check", mDevice->init_check(mDevice)); } Return Device::setMasterVolume(float volume) { if (mDevice->set_master_volume == NULL) { return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (!util::isGainNormalized(volume)) { ALOGW("Can not set a master volume (%f) outside [0,1]", volume); return Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS; } return analyzeStatus("set_master_volume", mDevice->set_master_volume(mDevice, volume), {ENOSYS} /*ignore*/); } Return Device::getMasterVolume(getMasterVolume_cb _hidl_cb) { Result retval(Result::NOT_SUPPORTED); float volume = 0; if (mDevice->get_master_volume != NULL) { retval = analyzeStatus("get_master_volume", mDevice->get_master_volume(mDevice, &volume), {ENOSYS} /*ignore*/); } _hidl_cb(retval, volume); return Void(); } Return Device::setMicMute(bool mute) { return analyzeStatus("set_mic_mute", mDevice->set_mic_mute(mDevice, mute), {ENOSYS} /*ignore*/); } Return Device::getMicMute(getMicMute_cb _hidl_cb) { bool mute = false; Result retval = analyzeStatus("get_mic_mute", mDevice->get_mic_mute(mDevice, &mute), {ENOSYS} /*ignore*/); _hidl_cb(retval, mute); return Void(); } Return Device::setMasterMute(bool mute) { Result retval(Result::NOT_SUPPORTED); if (mDevice->set_master_mute != NULL) { retval = analyzeStatus("set_master_mute", mDevice->set_master_mute(mDevice, mute), {ENOSYS} /*ignore*/); } return retval; } Return Device::getMasterMute(getMasterMute_cb _hidl_cb) { Result retval(Result::NOT_SUPPORTED); bool mute = false; if (mDevice->get_master_mute != NULL) { retval = analyzeStatus("get_master_mute", mDevice->get_master_mute(mDevice, &mute), {ENOSYS} /*ignore*/); } _hidl_cb(retval, mute); return Void(); } Return Device::getInputBufferSize(const AudioConfig& config, getInputBufferSize_cb _hidl_cb) { audio_config_t halConfig; Result retval(Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS); uint64_t bufferSize = 0; if (HidlUtils::audioConfigToHal(config, &halConfig) == NO_ERROR) { size_t halBufferSize = mDevice->get_input_buffer_size(mDevice, &halConfig); if (halBufferSize != 0) { retval = Result::OK; bufferSize = halBufferSize; } } _hidl_cb(retval, bufferSize); return Void(); } std::tuple> Device::openOutputStreamCore(int32_t ioHandle, const DeviceAddress& device, const AudioConfig& config, const AudioOutputFlags& flags, AudioConfig* suggestedConfig) { audio_config_t halConfig; if (HidlUtils::audioConfigToHal(config, &halConfig) != NO_ERROR) { return {Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS, nullptr}; } audio_stream_out_t* halStream; audio_devices_t halDevice; char halDeviceAddress[AUDIO_DEVICE_MAX_ADDRESS_LEN]; if (CoreUtils::deviceAddressToHal(device, &halDevice, halDeviceAddress) != NO_ERROR) { return {Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS, nullptr}; } audio_output_flags_t halFlags; if (CoreUtils::audioOutputFlagsToHal(flags, &halFlags) != NO_ERROR) { return {Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS, nullptr}; } ALOGV("open_output_stream handle: %d devices: %x flags: %#x " "srate: %d format %#x channels %x address %s", ioHandle, halDevice, halFlags, halConfig.sample_rate, halConfig.format, halConfig.channel_mask, halDeviceAddress); int status = mDevice->open_output_stream(mDevice, ioHandle, halDevice, halFlags, &halConfig, &halStream, halDeviceAddress); ALOGV("open_output_stream status %d stream %p", status, halStream); sp streamOut; if (status == OK) { streamOut = new StreamOut(this, halStream); ++mOpenedStreamsCount; } status_t convertStatus = HidlUtils::audioConfigFromHal(halConfig, false /*isInput*/, suggestedConfig); ALOGW_IF(convertStatus != OK, "%s: suggested config with incompatible fields", __func__); return {analyzeStatus("open_output_stream", status, {EINVAL} /*ignore*/), streamOut}; } std::tuple> Device::openInputStreamCore( int32_t ioHandle, const DeviceAddress& device, const AudioConfig& config, const AudioInputFlags& flags, AudioSource source, AudioConfig* suggestedConfig) { audio_config_t halConfig; if (HidlUtils::audioConfigToHal(config, &halConfig) != NO_ERROR) { return {Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS, nullptr}; } audio_stream_in_t* halStream; audio_devices_t halDevice; char halDeviceAddress[AUDIO_DEVICE_MAX_ADDRESS_LEN]; if (CoreUtils::deviceAddressToHal(device, &halDevice, halDeviceAddress) != NO_ERROR) { return {Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS, nullptr}; } audio_input_flags_t halFlags; audio_source_t halSource; if (CoreUtils::audioInputFlagsToHal(flags, &halFlags) != NO_ERROR || HidlUtils::audioSourceToHal(source, &halSource) != NO_ERROR) { return {Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS, nullptr}; } ALOGV("open_input_stream handle: %d devices: %x flags: %#x " "srate: %d format %#x channels %x address %s source %d", ioHandle, halDevice, halFlags, halConfig.sample_rate, halConfig.format, halConfig.channel_mask, halDeviceAddress, halSource); int status = mDevice->open_input_stream(mDevice, ioHandle, halDevice, &halConfig, &halStream, halFlags, halDeviceAddress, halSource); ALOGV("open_input_stream status %d stream %p", status, halStream); sp streamIn; if (status == OK) { streamIn = new StreamIn(this, halStream); ++mOpenedStreamsCount; } status_t convertStatus = HidlUtils::audioConfigFromHal(halConfig, true /*isInput*/, suggestedConfig); ALOGW_IF(convertStatus != OK, "%s: suggested config with incompatible fields", __func__); return {analyzeStatus("open_input_stream", status, {EINVAL} /*ignore*/), streamIn}; } #if MAJOR_VERSION == 2 Return Device::openOutputStream(int32_t ioHandle, const DeviceAddress& device, const AudioConfig& config, AudioOutputFlags flags, openOutputStream_cb _hidl_cb) { AudioConfig suggestedConfig; auto [result, streamOut] = openOutputStreamCore(ioHandle, device, config, flags, &suggestedConfig); _hidl_cb(result, streamOut, suggestedConfig); return Void(); } Return Device::openInputStream(int32_t ioHandle, const DeviceAddress& device, const AudioConfig& config, AudioInputFlags flags, AudioSource source, openInputStream_cb _hidl_cb) { AudioConfig suggestedConfig; auto [result, streamIn] = openInputStreamCore(ioHandle, device, config, flags, source, &suggestedConfig); _hidl_cb(result, streamIn, suggestedConfig); return Void(); } #elif MAJOR_VERSION >= 4 std::tuple, AudioConfig> Device::openOutputStreamImpl( int32_t ioHandle, const DeviceAddress& device, const AudioConfig& config, const SourceMetadata& sourceMetadata, #if MAJOR_VERSION <= 6 AudioOutputFlags flags) { if (status_t status = CoreUtils::sourceMetadataToHal(sourceMetadata, nullptr); status != NO_ERROR) { #else const AudioOutputFlags& flags) { if (status_t status = CoreUtils::sourceMetadataToHalV7(sourceMetadata, false /*ignoreNonVendorTags*/, nullptr); status != NO_ERROR) { #endif return {analyzeStatus("sourceMetadataToHal", status), nullptr, {}}; } AudioConfig suggestedConfig; auto [result, streamOut] = openOutputStreamCore(ioHandle, device, config, flags, &suggestedConfig); if (streamOut) { streamOut->updateSourceMetadata(sourceMetadata); } return {result, streamOut, suggestedConfig}; } Return Device::openOutputStream(int32_t ioHandle, const DeviceAddress& device, const AudioConfig& config, #if MAJOR_VERSION <= 6 AudioOutputFlags flags, #else const AudioOutputFlags& flags, #endif const SourceMetadata& sourceMetadata, openOutputStream_cb _hidl_cb) { auto [result, streamOut, suggestedConfig] = openOutputStreamImpl(ioHandle, device, config, sourceMetadata, flags); _hidl_cb(result, streamOut, suggestedConfig); return Void(); } std::tuple, AudioConfig> Device::openInputStreamImpl( int32_t ioHandle, const DeviceAddress& device, const AudioConfig& config, #if MAJOR_VERSION <= 6 AudioInputFlags flags, #else const AudioInputFlags& flags, #endif const SinkMetadata& sinkMetadata) { if (sinkMetadata.tracks.size() == 0) { // This should never happen, the framework must not create as stream // if there is no client ALOGE("openInputStream called without tracks connected"); return {Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS, nullptr, AudioConfig{}}; } #if MAJOR_VERSION <= 6 if (status_t status = CoreUtils::sinkMetadataToHal(sinkMetadata, nullptr); status != NO_ERROR) { #else if (status_t status = CoreUtils::sinkMetadataToHalV7(sinkMetadata, false /*ignoreNonVendorTags*/, nullptr); status != NO_ERROR) { #endif return {analyzeStatus("sinkMetadataToHal", status), nullptr, AudioConfig{}}; } // Pick the first one as the main. AudioSource source = sinkMetadata.tracks[0].source; AudioConfig suggestedConfig; auto [result, streamIn] = openInputStreamCore(ioHandle, device, config, flags, source, &suggestedConfig); if (streamIn) { streamIn->updateSinkMetadata(sinkMetadata); } return {result, streamIn, suggestedConfig}; } Return Device::openInputStream(int32_t ioHandle, const DeviceAddress& device, const AudioConfig& config, #if MAJOR_VERSION <= 6 AudioInputFlags flags, #else const AudioInputFlags& flags, #endif const SinkMetadata& sinkMetadata, openInputStream_cb _hidl_cb) { auto [result, streamIn, suggestedConfig] = openInputStreamImpl(ioHandle, device, config, flags, sinkMetadata); _hidl_cb(result, streamIn, suggestedConfig); return Void(); } #endif /* MAJOR_VERSION */ #if MAJOR_VERSION == 7 && MINOR_VERSION == 1 Return Device::openOutputStream_7_1(int32_t ioHandle, const DeviceAddress& device, const AudioConfig& config, const AudioOutputFlags& flags, const SourceMetadata& sourceMetadata, openOutputStream_7_1_cb _hidl_cb) { auto [result, streamOut, suggestedConfig] = openOutputStreamImpl(ioHandle, device, config, sourceMetadata, flags); _hidl_cb(result, streamOut, suggestedConfig); return Void(); } #endif // V7.1 Return Device::supportsAudioPatches() { return version() >= AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0; } Return Device::createAudioPatch(const hidl_vec& sources, const hidl_vec& sinks, createAudioPatch_cb _hidl_cb) { auto [retval, patch] = createOrUpdateAudioPatch(AudioPatchHandle{}, sources, sinks); _hidl_cb(retval, patch); return Void(); } std::tuple Device::createOrUpdateAudioPatch( AudioPatchHandle patch, const hidl_vec& sources, const hidl_vec& sinks) { Result retval(Result::NOT_SUPPORTED); if (version() >= AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0) { audio_patch_handle_t halPatch = static_cast(patch); std::unique_ptr halSources; if (status_t status = HidlUtils::audioPortConfigsToHal(sources, &halSources); status != NO_ERROR) { return {analyzeStatus("audioPortConfigsToHal;sources", status), patch}; } std::unique_ptr halSinks; if (status_t status = HidlUtils::audioPortConfigsToHal(sinks, &halSinks); status != NO_ERROR) { return {analyzeStatus("audioPortConfigsToHal;sinks", status), patch}; } retval = analyzeStatus("create_audio_patch", mDevice->create_audio_patch(mDevice, sources.size(), &halSources[0], sinks.size(), &halSinks[0], &halPatch)); if (retval == Result::OK) { patch = static_cast(halPatch); } } return {retval, patch}; } Return Device::releaseAudioPatch(int32_t patch) { if (version() >= AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0) { return analyzeStatus( "release_audio_patch", mDevice->release_audio_patch(mDevice, static_cast(patch))); } return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; } template Return Device::getAudioPortImpl(const AudioPort& port, getAudioPort_cb _hidl_cb, int (*halGetter)(audio_hw_device_t*, HalPort*), const char* halGetterName) { if (halGetter == nullptr) { _hidl_cb(Result::NOT_SUPPORTED, port); return Void(); } HalPort halPort; if (status_t status = HidlUtils::audioPortToHal(port, &halPort); status != NO_ERROR) { _hidl_cb(analyzeStatus("audioPortToHal", status), port); return Void(); } Result retval = analyzeStatus(halGetterName, halGetter(mDevice, &halPort)); AudioPort resultPort = port; if (retval == Result::OK) { if (status_t status = HidlUtils::audioPortFromHal(halPort, &resultPort); status != NO_ERROR) { _hidl_cb(analyzeStatus("audioPortFromHal", status), port); return Void(); } } _hidl_cb(retval, resultPort); return Void(); } #if MAJOR_VERSION <= 6 Return Device::getAudioPort(const AudioPort& port, getAudioPort_cb _hidl_cb) { return getAudioPortImpl(port, _hidl_cb, mDevice->get_audio_port, "get_audio_port"); } #else Return Device::getAudioPort(const AudioPort& port, getAudioPort_cb _hidl_cb) { if (version() >= AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_2) { // get_audio_port_v7 is mandatory if legacy HAL support this API version. return getAudioPortImpl(port, _hidl_cb, mDevice->get_audio_port_v7, "get_audio_port_v7"); } else { return getAudioPortImpl(port, _hidl_cb, mDevice->get_audio_port, "get_audio_port"); } } #endif Return Device::setAudioPortConfig(const AudioPortConfig& config) { if (version() >= AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0) { struct audio_port_config halPortConfig; if (status_t status = HidlUtils::audioPortConfigToHal(config, &halPortConfig); status != NO_ERROR) { return analyzeStatus("audioPortConfigToHal", status); } return analyzeStatus("set_audio_port_config", mDevice->set_audio_port_config(mDevice, &halPortConfig)); } return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; } #if MAJOR_VERSION == 2 Return Device::getHwAvSync() { int halHwAvSync; Result retval = getParam(AudioParameter::keyHwAvSync, &halHwAvSync); return retval == Result::OK ? halHwAvSync : AUDIO_HW_SYNC_INVALID; } #elif MAJOR_VERSION >= 4 Return Device::getHwAvSync(getHwAvSync_cb _hidl_cb) { int halHwAvSync; Result retval = getParam(AudioParameter::keyHwAvSync, &halHwAvSync); _hidl_cb(retval, halHwAvSync); return Void(); } #endif Return Device::setScreenState(bool turnedOn) { return setParam(AudioParameter::keyScreenState, turnedOn); } #if MAJOR_VERSION == 2 Return Device::getParameters(const hidl_vec& keys, getParameters_cb _hidl_cb) { getParametersImpl({}, keys, _hidl_cb); return Void(); } Return Device::setParameters(const hidl_vec& parameters) { return setParametersImpl({} /* context */, parameters); } #elif MAJOR_VERSION >= 4 Return Device::getParameters(const hidl_vec& context, const hidl_vec& keys, getParameters_cb _hidl_cb) { getParametersImpl(context, keys, _hidl_cb); return Void(); } Return Device::setParameters(const hidl_vec& context, const hidl_vec& parameters) { return setParametersImpl(context, parameters); } #endif #if MAJOR_VERSION == 2 Return Device::debugDump(const hidl_handle& fd) { return debug(fd, {}); } #endif Return Device::debug(const hidl_handle& fd, const hidl_vec& options) { if (fd.getNativeHandle() != nullptr && fd->numFds == 1) { const int fd0 = fd->data[0]; bool dumpMem = false; bool unreachableMemory = false; for (const auto& option : options) { if (option == "-m") { dumpMem = true; } else if (option == "--unreachable") { unreachableMemory = true; } } if (dumpMem) { dprintf(fd0, "\nDumping memory:\n"); std::string s = dumpMemoryAddresses(100 /* limit */); write(fd0, s.c_str(), s.size()); } if (unreachableMemory) { dprintf(fd0, "\nDumping unreachable memory:\n"); // TODO - should limit be an argument parameter? std::string s = GetUnreachableMemoryString(true /* contents */, 100 /* limit */); write(fd0, s.c_str(), s.size()); } analyzeStatus("dump", mDevice->dump(mDevice, fd0)); } return Void(); } #if MAJOR_VERSION >= 4 Return Device::getMicrophones(getMicrophones_cb _hidl_cb) { Result retval = Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; size_t actual_mics = AUDIO_MICROPHONE_MAX_COUNT; audio_microphone_characteristic_t mic_array[AUDIO_MICROPHONE_MAX_COUNT]; hidl_vec microphones; if (mDevice->get_microphones != NULL && mDevice->get_microphones(mDevice, &mic_array[0], &actual_mics) == 0) { microphones.resize(actual_mics); for (size_t i = 0; i < actual_mics; ++i) { (void)CoreUtils::microphoneInfoFromHal(mic_array[i], µphones[i]); } retval = Result::OK; } _hidl_cb(retval, microphones); return Void(); } Return Device::setConnectedState(const DeviceAddress& address, bool connected) { auto key = connected ? AudioParameter::keyDeviceConnect : AudioParameter::keyDeviceDisconnect; return setParam(key, address); } #endif Result Device::doClose() { if (mIsClosed || mOpenedStreamsCount != 0) return Result::INVALID_STATE; mIsClosed = true; return analyzeStatus("close", audio_hw_device_close(mDevice)); } #if MAJOR_VERSION >= 6 Return Device::close() { return doClose(); } Return Device::addDeviceEffect(AudioPortHandle device, uint64_t effectId) { if (version() < AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_1 || mDevice->add_device_effect == nullptr) { return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; } effect_handle_t halEffect = EffectMap::getInstance().get(effectId); if (halEffect != NULL) { return analyzeStatus("add_device_effect", mDevice->add_device_effect( mDevice, static_cast(device), halEffect)); } else { ALOGW("%s Invalid effect ID passed from client: %" PRIu64 "", __func__, effectId); return Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS; } } Return Device::removeDeviceEffect(AudioPortHandle device, uint64_t effectId) { if (version() < AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_1 || mDevice->remove_device_effect == nullptr) { return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; } effect_handle_t halEffect = EffectMap::getInstance().get(effectId); if (halEffect != NULL) { return analyzeStatus("remove_device_effect", mDevice->remove_device_effect( mDevice, static_cast(device), halEffect)); } else { ALOGW("%s Invalid effect ID passed from client: %" PRIu64 "", __func__, effectId); return Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS; } } Return Device::updateAudioPatch(int32_t previousPatch, const hidl_vec& sources, const hidl_vec& sinks, createAudioPatch_cb _hidl_cb) { if (previousPatch != static_cast(AudioPatchHandle{})) { auto [retval, patch] = createOrUpdateAudioPatch(previousPatch, sources, sinks); _hidl_cb(retval, patch); } else { _hidl_cb(Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS, previousPatch); } return Void(); } #endif #if MAJOR_VERSION == 7 && MINOR_VERSION == 1 Return Device::setConnectedState_7_1(const AudioPort& devicePort, bool connected) { if (version() >= AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_2 && mDevice->set_device_connected_state_v7 != nullptr) { audio_port_v7 halPort; if (status_t status = HidlUtils::audioPortToHal(devicePort, &halPort); status != NO_ERROR) { return analyzeStatus("audioPortToHal", status); } return analyzeStatus("set_device_connected_state_v7", mDevice->set_device_connected_state_v7(mDevice, &halPort, connected)); } return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; } #endif } // namespace implementation } // namespace CPP_VERSION } // namespace audio } // namespace hardware } // namespace android