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# /mnt/vendor/efs/bluetooth/
allow hal_bluetooth_default bluetooth_efs_file:file { read open getattr };
allow hal_bluetooth_default efs_file:dir search;
set_prop(hal_bluetooth_default, vendor_bluetooth_prop)
get_prop(hal_bluetooth_default, exported_bluetooth_prop)
allow hal_bluetooth_default self:file { read getattr map open };
allow hal_bluetooth_default hci_attach_dev:chr_file { ioctl read write getattr lock append map open watch watch_reads };
allow hal_bluetooth_default serial_device:chr_file { ioctl read write getattr lock append map open watch watch_reads };
allow hal_bluetooth_default tun_device:chr_file { ioctl read write getattr lock append map open watch watch_reads };
allow hal_bluetooth_default app_efs_file:dir { ioctl read getattr lock open watch watch_reads search };
allow hal_bluetooth_default app_efs_file:file { ioctl read getattr lock map open watch watch_reads };
allow hal_bluetooth_default conn_vendor_data_file:dir { ioctl read getattr lock open watch watch_reads search };
allow hal_bluetooth_default conn_vendor_data_file:file { ioctl read write getattr lock append map open watch watch_reads };
allow hal_bluetooth_default self:process ptrace;
allow hal_bluetooth_default sysfs_wake_lock:file { ioctl read write getattr lock append map open watch watch_reads };
allow hal_bluetooth_default system_app_data_file:file { read getattr };
allow hal_bluetooth_default mediaextractor_service:service_manager find;
allow hal_bluetooth_default hal_bluetooth_a2dp_hwservice:hwservice_manager find;
allow hal_bluetooth_default kmsg_device:chr_file { ioctl read getattr lock map open watch watch_reads };
allow hal_bluetooth_default property_socket:sock_file write;
allow hal_bluetooth_default init:unix_stream_socket connectto;
allow hal_bluetooth_default hwservicemanager_prop:file { read getattr map open };
binder_call(hal_bluetooth_default, gpuservice)
allow hal_bluetooth_default gpuservice:fd use;